Saturday, July 13, 2013

AX 2013 Reprise Some Sort Of Dirty Video? Deadpool, Pokemen Over?

AX just released a statement of not being associated with some sort of video that was on YouTube that was highly inappropriate, not it's not the new Deadpool video below, it has also already been taken down off of YouTube. What's only revealed from AX's message is that it's a hidden camera video and it may contain sexual harassment. SPJA has distanced itself from the video, saying it took no part in making it and even opened a case with the LAPD.

AX's Message

If readers have details, please e-mail or share them in comments below.

In less serious AX news, the new D-Piddy or Deadpool video from the event is up. Great inside jokes to just funny moments with guns. Shows off some of the most outstanding cosplay of the Expo, did you see Raiden from Metal Gear? Check out his face-plate that opens and closes in this video.

Good-bye my Pokemen.

The saddest news from AX might be the end or at least major leavings of the Pokemen. A group of work out buddies who wear scantily clad Pokémon costumes that go to anime events.There hats on the floor pictures on Facebook with accompanying story of why they're leaving and their favorite memories is heartbreaking as it's totally silly as they dressed like Pokémon.