Shin Chan: Season Three, Part Two $21.99
Don't say it. No, please don't say that. Okay, you've crossed the line! I can't believe you said that.
it the end of Shin Chan? Say it isn't so. After just getting back to
knowing the charming fellow it seems so. The last episode part of the
new DVD collection said it was.
Yet, if it is the last of Shin Chan there was a Hell of a lot of cursing and debauchery in season 3.
More than any other Shin Chan's you've seen. To make
up for possibly being the last episodes of Shin Chan or the dubbed
American version, the show will go on forever in Japan, the writers
seemed to go over the top. With no airings on Adult Swim, no topic is to
horrible, nothing is too dirty to say. Its silly a f*ck.
Chan Part Two of Season Three pulls off some of the most heinous acts
possible. Shin and crew seem dirtier that ever. One episode has Bitzi,
Shin's Aunt, doing the nasty with his Grandpa. There might be nothing
suitable for anyone else to stroll into the room while your watching
that won't make them think your watching porn.
gets naked. Shin gets naked a lot. I was already amazed by Shin pulling
on his wang's foreskin, which is super stretchy, in part one. He pulls
it way to far out, but part two has accidental penis touching. There's a
penis touching party going down in this show. There isn't a way the new
writers could have conceived that.
again, I feel the writers watched some movies and just pounded out dirty
words, when the animation already has off beat bits to make fun of. I
really wanted the writers to come back refreshed from part one, but they
seem to have given up and just put in poop and pop culture insults
that I hope I'll remember when I watch these episodes again. They mix
pop culture with just plain dirty filth. They push the line into a dump
and beat it with billy clubs, then set in on fire as it's family watches
it burn.
What I just wrote about flames
is similar to the the new annoying coach Shin gets and Penny falls in
love with. The flames around the new P.E. coach are suppose to depict
intensity, but the writers changed him early on to be a mutant who will
kill the children unless they help him in the future race war. He seems
to mellow out, but kills a vagrant or too in the end. Yeah, the
basically ripped off the X-Men, and I can of hated these episodes the
most. The writers just changed the episode way to much. Even though the
coach is voiced by the same guy who does Sgt. Keroro of Sgt Frog it got

back, Shin's Aunt that was added this season with an addiction to
brown-brown and moves on to some sort of non-lesbian relationship, but
not before doing more drug jokes and being possibly the worst role model
for Shin ever. Shin in a lot of the episodes doesn't even seem like the
star, he's more like the constant annoyance or doom that others have to
seemingly get once and a while. One episode had Shin so annoying that
one of his teachers pretended to be zombie Micheal Jackson.
role models award for worst person to be around might be Miss Polly who
is a total sex freak. The naughty stuff she spouts this season around
kids still in kindergarten are amazing. Man or woman, outside or inside,
whatever you conceive Miss Polly has done it or want to do it.
Kappa and the Panda will break your brain as suddenly they step in the
show making it seem even more unreal. For some reason a small Panda
encounters Shin and will give him some special Action Bastard underwear
if he helps him find a mate. BTW this Panda wears underwear. After
Shin's entire class and bus are in Panda suits for no reason, bigger
Pandas with machine guns come for revenge. It's all very confusing,
because whatever was the original plot from the Japanese cartoon is
changed to Ench killing animals for his magic show back in the day.
Yeah, don't try and follow all of that, just know Pandas try and hurt
Mr Kappa, why don't you wear the Panda's underwear? A Kappa(Japanese
water monster) befriends Shin as an attempt for the show not to be
cancelled. Breaking the fourth wall a bit, this DVD set has the Kool-Aid
mascot breaking through it hard, figuratively. The Kool-aid mascot
isn't really in the episodes.
friends have all changes slightly with Georgie now poor and without a
maid, Penny no longer gets beat by her dad who found god, but now she
craves violence. Boo's still into rocks and Maso, well he touches Shin's
penis, by accident.
If you want ridiculous episodes then look no further then Shin
Chan babies episode which has Shin and crew being slightly younger ,
since there all quite young in the first place. It's weird to see even
shorter forms of the Shin Chan crew. Shin at this point can only say
random curse words and body parts.
I don't want Shin Chan to go, it has so many off beat stories and such a
peculiar animation style. Just looking at it you"ll know what off-model
means, it does however give the show a distinctive look. I just wan the
writers to lay off the Netflix and just make fun with the awkward and
Japanese standards of living. Shin is just the Bug Bunny are Bart
Simpson of Japan
I mean who keeps giving him these poop costumes? They can't be
bought in stores. It's a different poop costume from the first part of
Season 3. So Shin has multiple poop costume somewhere. Oh, Shin never
change, I wonder what poop costume you"ll have next year. Here's hoping
for more poop.