I got to preview some dubbed episodes of Steins;Gate from Funimation and it blew me away how good it was. The writing was well crafted much more than a regular anime series. It was like a geek sitcom, but a thousand times better than The Big Bang Theory. I'll be sure to have a full review of it when it comes out, but look forward to this in the next few months from Funimation. The story of eccentric scientist and his club that starts a fight with CERN or in that universe SERN.
I'll have a preview up or something so stay tuned.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Anime Expo 2012: Weird
Things can get weird at AX fast, it's best to take pictures to prove things have happened. Outside of the convention hall, the poke-men got into a confrontation with other scandalously dress cosplayers. I'll have plenty more cosplay pics in the next few days.
The mustache salesman is a great talker.
At some point this man will fall over and hurt himself at AX, he was the same guy who did the gameboy from last year. You can see how much he's sweating and frankly the 3DS is a two man operation.
At some point this man will fall over and hurt himself at AX, he was the same guy who did the gameboy from last year. You can see how much he's sweating and frankly the 3DS is a two man operation.
AX 2012: Day 1 Breakdown and Tips
Wow, a huge crowd for AX's first day this year.
Below are some quick tips and a break down of some of the panels.
-It seems that Viz has stepped up to replace Bandai's booth. You can get a nice big bag from them after going through their booth and getting stamps. Viz's panel went through what there network Neon Alley is going to provide. The President of ANN, whose partnering with Viz, hinted that it would be through PlayStation, but said he wasn't really sure. It seems like a nice enough service, especially for those who like certain series.
-Funimation is dominating AX as usual with a panel everyday. Today they showed off some of their future titles and showed off the first 4 episodes of Panty and Stocking.
-You can get a Panty and Stocking Heaven coin for free in you take a picture of any Panty and Stocking cosplayers then swing over to the Funimation booth and give it to the pole dancers. You can also pick up Panty and Stocking, before it's release date and get a free t-shirt with the deal.
-Right next to Funimation is Bandai Namco'S booth showcasing many of the titles I predicted including Dragonball Z for Kinect, it's quite fun to watch people play it. Capcom and Sega should have just kept their booths nearby from E3 and just put them back up for AX like Bandai did.
-Firefall also stayed around from E3, there giving out some blow-up guns and goodies as well as letting you play their game at their booth/car outside.
-The schedule has changed and 20th Century Boys won't be playing at this AX, we were instead treated to the Gintama movie, which was both funny and bloody, I'll review it later in more detail, but due pick it up or rent it. I don't know why the series hasn't come to the market here, just this movie.
Don't forget there's plenty to do other than the convention floor including the manga lounge and gaming area which holds arcade, console and board games. The console and board games and manga lounge are all free.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Anime Expo: What Could Be At The Namco Bandai Booth?
What could be at the Namco Bandai booth? I'll be sure to tell you when I'm checking it out at AX this year, there are some great properties Bandai Namco has coming out. Titles like Dragon Ball Z for Kinect and ThunderCats for the DS. I doubt an early build of the joint Super Smash Bros will be there, but Tekken Tag Tournament 2 might. One Piece has a beat-em up One Piece: Pirate Warriors and then there's Ghibli's and Level 5's Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, so there could be a big assortment of games to choose from. Oh, wait what if they have Tank!Tank!Tank! and show off a Wii U!
If they do have Dragon Ball Z for Kinect I might cry, both from hearing Kame-Ha-me-ha and screaming it myself.
Don't forget Aksys Games will also have booth, strange that Capcom and XSeed Games won't have a presents this year.
If they do have Dragon Ball Z for Kinect I might cry, both from hearing Kame-Ha-me-ha and screaming it myself.
Don't forget Aksys Games will also have booth, strange that Capcom and XSeed Games won't have a presents this year.
Runway Cop @ CGV Cinemas
A fat cop must slim down to go undercover as a runway model, with some K-Pop songs and some decent fights and action this looks like a great film to chill out with friends. If your in LA for AX you might want to end you night in Korea Town seeing this film at the CGV Cinemas.
Starts June 29
621 S. WESTERN AVE. LOS ANGELES, CA 90005 | ARS 213-388-9000
Anime Expo 2012: More Things To Check Out
Here's a list of more things AX related.
Here's my post from last year on visiting Little Tokyo. Get some food there at night if you like.
Toyota X Studio4C, Which looks bizarre to say the least,what a very odd way to sell Toyota, but at least it's not as dumb as last years English Hatsune Miku commercials that made absolutely no sense.
Bandai Now
*Times & Location are
subject to change without notice.

ngmoco’s lineup includes the upcoming card battle games Legend Cards and Blood Brothers, and the wildly popular Rage of Bahamut, which has spent more than six weeks as the No. 1 Top Grossing App on Google Play. Attendees will also have the opportunity to become an actual trading card game character in the photobooth!
Booths #329 and #331
"Red 5 Studios is unveiling its state-of-the-art Firefall "Mobile Gaming Unit" at this year's Anime Expo, June 29 - July 1. Created by West Coast Customs, it's a full-featured tournament on wheels with a unique sci-fi design straight out of Firefall's universe.
In addition, Red 5 is bringing Firefall's heroes, Typhon and Mourningstar, to life with some incredibly realistic cosplay"
Here's my post from last year on visiting Little Tokyo. Get some food there at night if you like.
Toyota X Studio4C, Which looks bizarre to say the least,what a very odd way to sell Toyota, but at least it's not as dumb as last years English Hatsune Miku commercials that made absolutely no sense.
Bandai Now
Bandai Visual will have a
booth (Booth # 901) together with Aniplex of America and Palos Verdes Peninsula
Filmworks. Autograph sessions of Sheh will take place twice at the booth. Ten “Gundam
UC Special Bag” will be available for purchase on a first-come first-serve
basis at the booth.
Sunday, July 1
– 12:00
Sheh Autograph Session (Booth 901)
– 14:30
of Story So Far and episode 5 (Concourse)
– 15:00
& A Session (Concourse)
– 16:30
Sheh Autograph Session (Booth 901)

ngmoco’s lineup includes the upcoming card battle games Legend Cards and Blood Brothers, and the wildly popular Rage of Bahamut, which has spent more than six weeks as the No. 1 Top Grossing App on Google Play. Attendees will also have the opportunity to become an actual trading card game character in the photobooth!
Booths #329 and #331

In addition, Red 5 is bringing Firefall's heroes, Typhon and Mourningstar, to life with some incredibly realistic cosplay"
eigoMANGA In 2012 Panel
Come join us at our panel discussion where we will announce and showcase releases of our mass-market publications, games, and animation. Come For The Free Giveaways!
eigoMANGA In 2012 panel is scheduled for Saturday, 10am - 11am at LP 2 (LACC 502AB)
Come join us at our panel discussion where we will announce and showcase releases of our mass-market publications, games, and animation. Come For The Free Giveaways!
eigoMANGA In 2012 panel is scheduled for Saturday, 10am - 11am at LP 2 (LACC 502AB)
How To Draw Manga And Portfolio Review Workshop
MinoMiyabi holds a workshop tutorial to teach the fundamentals of manga illustration and storytelling! He will also be on hand to critique portfolios from up-and-coming artists. Don't Miss It!
The How To Draw Manga And Portfolio Review workshop is scheduled for Sunday, 11am - 12pm at WS2 (LACC 501).
MinoMiyabi holds a workshop tutorial to teach the fundamentals of manga illustration and storytelling! He will also be on hand to critique portfolios from up-and-coming artists. Don't Miss It!
The How To Draw Manga And Portfolio Review workshop is scheduled for Sunday, 11am - 12pm at WS2 (LACC 501).
North American Advance Screening of 'Padak'
You're invited to view the North American advance screening of 'Padak' at Anime Expo!
The award-winning film directed by Lee Dae Hee is about about the lives of fish in captivity in a Korean seafood restaurant. Some fish accept their fate while others fight to change it.
The'Padak' advance screening is scheduled for Monday, 10am - 1:00pm and located at Video 2 (LACC 404).
You're invited to view the North American advance screening of 'Padak' at Anime Expo!
The award-winning film directed by Lee Dae Hee is about about the lives of fish in captivity in a Korean seafood restaurant. Some fish accept their fate while others fight to change it.
The'Padak' advance screening is scheduled for Monday, 10am - 1:00pm and located at Video 2 (LACC 404).
eigoMANGA Appearing On Crunchyroll's AX stage
eigoMANGA's team is set to make a live interview appearance on Crunchyroll's Live Stage for their live-streaming show. We would love our fans to join us in-person or watch the live web-stream on Crunchyroll's website.
Crunchyroll interview appearance is scheduled on Sunday starting at 5:30pm at Crunchyroll's Live Stage Booth #701.
eigoMANGA's team is set to make a live interview appearance on Crunchyroll's Live Stage for their live-streaming show. We would love our fans to join us in-person or watch the live web-stream on Crunchyroll's website.
Crunchyroll interview appearance is scheduled on Sunday starting at 5:30pm at Crunchyroll's Live Stage Booth #701.
The Oreo of Oreos
The LA Times has some fun articles this week. First is about the Rainbow Oreo, I wish they really made them.
Secondly, an article about some parents acting like jerks, because their kid didn't make Valedictorian, but still gave a great graduation speech and is going to Standford. They want to waste time and sue the LAUSD over it. The article never quotes how their daughter feels, just the parents childish complaints.
Secondly, an article about some parents acting like jerks, because their kid didn't make Valedictorian, but still gave a great graduation speech and is going to Standford. They want to waste time and sue the LAUSD over it. The article never quotes how their daughter feels, just the parents childish complaints.
Batman Billboard
Batman Billboard at the the corner of Sunset and La Brea in Hollywood. Anyone spot the new Mountain Dew Flavor Dark Berry?
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Weekly What To Do: Bananas Can't Procreate
"There's always money in the banana stand" Arrested Development Art Show
June 29 - July 21, 2012
With a movie due from Netflix it seems like a good time to have an art show based on a great sitcom.
Beyond The Black Rainbow (6/27, 7:30pm, director in person!)
Beyond The Black Rainbow (6/27, 10:30pm, LIVE SCORE by Wrekmeister Harmonies!)
@ The Cinefamily
Birdemic and Elvira @ Golden Apple
Ghosts Can't Do It
It’s movie riffing DIY-style! We scour the bottom of the VHS barrel to find the worst movies you’ve never seen, and invite YOU to help us make fun of them. Come up with the best one-liners of the night, and you could win a prize! Your hosts, John Mathot (Disney’s Phineas & Ferb), Susan Wright (The Because Show podcast), and improv troupe The Omelettes will present a disastrously bad Bo Derek movie (is that redundant?) called Ghosts Can't Do It. If you dig MST3K and RiffTrax, HMN is for you!
Date: Monday - July 2, 2012 - 08:00 PM
Location: Nerdist Theater (8) - Los Angeles - General Admin
Doors Open 07:40 PM
June 29 - July 21, 2012
Opening Reception: Fri, June 29th from 7-10pm
Hours: Wed - Sun: 11AM - 6PM
Monday and Tuesday: Closed
Monday and Tuesday: Closed
With a movie due from Netflix it seems like a good time to have an art show based on a great sitcom.
Beyond The Black Rainbow (6/27, 7:30pm, director in person!)
Beyond The Black Rainbow (6/27, 10:30pm, LIVE SCORE by Wrekmeister Harmonies!)
@ The Cinefamily
Birdemic and Elvira @ Golden Apple
Ghosts Can't Do It
It’s movie riffing DIY-style! We scour the bottom of the VHS barrel to find the worst movies you’ve never seen, and invite YOU to help us make fun of them. Come up with the best one-liners of the night, and you could win a prize! Your hosts, John Mathot (Disney’s Phineas & Ferb), Susan Wright (The Because Show podcast), and improv troupe The Omelettes will present a disastrously bad Bo Derek movie (is that redundant?) called Ghosts Can't Do It. If you dig MST3K and RiffTrax, HMN is for you!
Date: Monday - July 2, 2012 - 08:00 PM
Location: Nerdist Theater (8) - Los Angeles - General Admin
Doors Open 07:40 PM
Vampire-Con 2012
It seems Vampire-Con gets a bit smaller each year, I'm sad to write. Yet, it's still two nights you can dress up like a vampire and check out some bloody flicks.
Friday, June 29 - co-presented with Latin Horror
Satuday, June 30th
House of Dark Shadows and another feature (times not up yet)
New Beverly Cinema
7165 West Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036
for updates about the films and more info go to the facebook or new beverly page, whose ever in charge of Vampire-Con should really just update the site and put a decent flyer together, it's odd to have a 2011 page stay up. If you need help with it like a web site or flyer you should ask those attending to help out.
Friday, June 29 - co-presented with Latin Horror
Satuday, June 30th
House of Dark Shadows and another feature (times not up yet)
New Beverly Cinema
7165 West Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036
for updates about the films and more info go to the facebook or new beverly page, whose ever in charge of Vampire-Con should really just update the site and put a decent flyer together, it's odd to have a 2011 page stay up. If you need help with it like a web site or flyer you should ask those attending to help out.
Anime Expo 2012: The Food Sucks, Go Here Instead
Just a reminder, unless you want to pay high prices the food around LA Live sucks. Inside the convention hall is some of the worst cafeteria cuisine out there and I might add at high prices too.
Just stop! Please, put some thought into it, enjoying yourself at the convention means enjoying what you eat too. The surrounding food is not only bad for you, it taste like someone kept it between their buns in the hot sun for some time. Why the famous In-N-Out has not reached some deal to have a place to grab food at the convention hall still eludes me.
The other problem is you're no where close to good food in all directions. If you want to get something edible you"ll have to walk past Staples Center and a few blocks.
There is no fast food place nearby, no McD's, no diners, no nothing. In this case if you think you'd rather get food at the convention to save time, I'd retort just pack a lunch. I don't want to see you throwing up or having diarrhea later from the mess of dog drool and pig family jewels they call food. Pack a lunch, buy some lunchables, it's better than the crap there.
Same for drinks, the sodas taste less like soda more like fizz water. It's one of the reasons people hate LA. Pack water or whatever. Put it in the freezer and hour before you go.
There is but one Starbucks with a line if it's busy at LA Live, other than that you'll be paying a minimum of $16.00 for any sort of meal, and it won't be worth it.
Forget food trucks, I know they seems like a good idea, but factor in price and wait time and it becomes worthless. Last year most of the trucks were high priced anyway with small portions.
Don't go to Joe's LA Market and Deli on the corner of Flower and Pico near the subway. I think the sandwiches are a rip off and taste terrible, the other problems is their refrigerators for drinks are only kept like room temperature. Nothing will spoil, but if you want a cold soda forget it, it gets crowded and long line.
So here's two places you can walk too and are worth it
Original Pantry Cafe-site is kind of creepy with music
877 S Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Open 24 Hours
Breakfast food at fair prices, might be a wait, it is very well liked and always busy in the morning.
3 blocks away

El Cholo
1037 S Flower St
Los Angeles, CA 90015
So Mexican food may float your boat and it's about as far as the Pantry, a bit more in price, but a least you might be getting more than those restaurants at LA Live. They do have some decent eats for fair prices.
3 blocks away
Now you can walk to the corner of 8th street and flower or figuerora and you'll have Subway, a pizza joint, an asian food join and IHOP, but that's some walking. I don't recommend it. They're past LA Live 5-blocks away.
What about ESPN Zone-terrible, bowling alley-terrible, all of LA Live terrible.
Hooters overpriced, same for Excalibur Restaurant.
Just stop! Please, put some thought into it, enjoying yourself at the convention means enjoying what you eat too. The surrounding food is not only bad for you, it taste like someone kept it between their buns in the hot sun for some time. Why the famous In-N-Out has not reached some deal to have a place to grab food at the convention hall still eludes me.
The other problem is you're no where close to good food in all directions. If you want to get something edible you"ll have to walk past Staples Center and a few blocks.
There is no fast food place nearby, no McD's, no diners, no nothing. In this case if you think you'd rather get food at the convention to save time, I'd retort just pack a lunch. I don't want to see you throwing up or having diarrhea later from the mess of dog drool and pig family jewels they call food. Pack a lunch, buy some lunchables, it's better than the crap there.
Same for drinks, the sodas taste less like soda more like fizz water. It's one of the reasons people hate LA. Pack water or whatever. Put it in the freezer and hour before you go.
There is but one Starbucks with a line if it's busy at LA Live, other than that you'll be paying a minimum of $16.00 for any sort of meal, and it won't be worth it.
Forget food trucks, I know they seems like a good idea, but factor in price and wait time and it becomes worthless. Last year most of the trucks were high priced anyway with small portions.
Don't go to Joe's LA Market and Deli on the corner of Flower and Pico near the subway. I think the sandwiches are a rip off and taste terrible, the other problems is their refrigerators for drinks are only kept like room temperature. Nothing will spoil, but if you want a cold soda forget it, it gets crowded and long line.
So here's two places you can walk too and are worth it
Original Pantry Cafe-site is kind of creepy with music
877 S Figueroa St
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Open 24 Hours
Breakfast food at fair prices, might be a wait, it is very well liked and always busy in the morning.
3 blocks away

El Cholo
1037 S Flower St
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Hours Mon-Thur |
11am-10pm |
Fri |
11am-11pm |
Sat |
12pm-11pm |
Sun |
12pm-9pm |
So Mexican food may float your boat and it's about as far as the Pantry, a bit more in price, but a least you might be getting more than those restaurants at LA Live. They do have some decent eats for fair prices.
3 blocks away
Now you can walk to the corner of 8th street and flower or figuerora and you'll have Subway, a pizza joint, an asian food join and IHOP, but that's some walking. I don't recommend it. They're past LA Live 5-blocks away.
What about ESPN Zone-terrible, bowling alley-terrible, all of LA Live terrible.
Hooters overpriced, same for Excalibur Restaurant.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Portal 2 Turret Finally Comes Out Immediately Sold Out
The Portal 2 Turret I wrote of about a year and a half ago from Gaming Heads, that was last seen at NY Toy Fair 2011, not 2012, suddenly came out and immediately was sold out. Sure the regular edition is still avalaible, bu the limited edition with sound effects or the good model, which is only $30 more is gone.
Gaming Head seems like a unrelaible company from this endeavor as there should be one model of Portal turret to get with sound and a lot more for people to purchase. The inferior model is a joke, who wouldn't want sound for $30 more. Then the time it took for it to come out with no real announcements? Companies that don't treat customers fairly like Gaming Head should fail.
Gaming Head seems like a unrelaible company from this endeavor as there should be one model of Portal turret to get with sound and a lot more for people to purchase. The inferior model is a joke, who wouldn't want sound for $30 more. Then the time it took for it to come out with no real announcements? Companies that don't treat customers fairly like Gaming Head should fail.
Treasures of the Walt Disney Archives @ Reagan Library and Museum
Treasures of the Walt Disney Archives seems to be a fascinating exhibit opening this July at the Ronald Reagan Library and Museum. A huge collection of Walt Disney corporation's treasurea from film, theme parka and beyond will be shown off and the friendship Waly Disney and Reagan had.
For more info click here
D23 Presents Treasures of the Walt Disney Archives @
The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum 40 Presidential
40 Presidential Drive Simi Valley, CA 93065
Opens July 6 until April 30, 2013
Black Dynamite Premiere @ Downtown Independent
Wow, just like the Eric Andre show had a screening before it's premiere on TV so will Black Dynamite here in LA. So even though it's not at Anime Expo it isn't that far away from it. This event is free, but no word on who threw it together or if any of the voice actors or crew will be in. I'm thinking Titmouse thought it might be fun, who knows.
Black Dynamite is about the coolest brother ever taking down honkies left in right with his crew and and martial art prowless.
June 29, 2012
Doors at 6pm.
Black Dynamite at 7pm.
Downtown Independent (right outside of Little Tokyo)
251 S Main St.
City/Town: Los Angeles
Phone: 213-617-1033
Copycats Prosper
The LA Times has a great little article about Asylum the copycats who steal whatevers popular in theaters and make a DVD come out at the same time. I was thinking of writing an article about Kiara The Brave when I saw its cover on Redbox.
I must have read previous articles about Asylum in Wired and other publications, because I have heard of them. I'd put them on par with the porn industry on making cheap knock-offs, but the really exist to trick people and take away from other peoples ideas in the cheapest way possible.
I must have read previous articles about Asylum in Wired and other publications, because I have heard of them. I'd put them on par with the porn industry on making cheap knock-offs, but the really exist to trick people and take away from other peoples ideas in the cheapest way possible.
Anime Expo 2012: You Got X-Games In My Expo
June 30th 11:20am, you can see them attempt the The Hot Wheels Double Loop Dare
Just a heads up that the X-Games are going on at the same time as the Expo this year (June 28-July 1st), which means parking will be going up. Last year AX dodged the X-Games by about a week.
I wonder how the two cultures will clash, it may lead to catching some cool stunts and events happening Like the The Hot Wheels Double Loop Dare, maybe you can get a good view from somewhere near by. Also, if it goes wrong you"lll want to see the carnage, I'd love to see cosplyers tring to help accident victims. The loops for this event are 6 stories tall, I guess they worked out how fast they've got to be going or this could end badly, but entertaining.
There's plenty more X-Games stuff happening check it out here
Here's the full schedule
Nintendo Selects: Pikmin 2 Review
Nintendo Selects: Pikmin 2
Please, please, please, pick up Pikmin 2 for Wii! Though this game was announced with retrofitted controls for the Wii eons ago it was well worth the wait. Pikmin 2 might be the last Wii game you buy before you get a brand new Wii U this holiday season, but you'll be playing this game until then.
If you haven't played Pikmin before it's simple, you control a bunch of tiny plant based life forms you pick out of the ground like vegetables. You use them to pick up heavy objects and fight off other weird creatures.
Pikmin 2 starts off right after the events of the first Pikmin game. Capt. Olimar returns back to his home planet to find his business in debt and the only way to get it out is to go back and get treasure from the mysterious planet he found the Pikmin on. You get a new crew mate Louie, which lets you control two sets of Pikmin and take them to separate locations and perform different tasks independent of each other.
What Olimar sees as treasure, we see as a Duracell battery or part of a lost Gundam toy. You see Pikmin and Olimar are extremely tiny, that's why a battery is so big and it's up to you to fight weird bugs and gather as much treasure as possible. When I mean weird bugs I mean, self balloon inflating bomber bugs and bio-mechanical spiders with laser gatling guns.
The game is both cute and and silly as well as action oriented as battles can cost Pikmin their lives which has an anime style ghost float off from the dead Pikmin. Little details like that and the Pikmin humming while in large groups shows a lot of work went into the game. Can't forget the fact it's a kids game with a backstory of a company being in debt and the e-mails you receive from your boss about running away from debt collectors becomes quite silly, like how he lived under a bridge nd started living with animals.
There's many treausre and bizarre enemies to defeat with a style that only Nintendo can pull off, do yourself a favor and delve into the dirt and maybe get ready for Pikmin 3. Now only if the Pikmin series made it to the 3DS, that would just be sweet.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Anime Expo 2012: VIZ and NIS America

They'll be at booth 801 in the front. dood!
"Anime and
manga fans won’t want to miss a special VIZ Media panel on what promises to be
the biggest development in anime this year. Join company executives on Friday,
June 29th at 2:00PM in Petree Hall (Hall CD) for the “Super Secret
VIZ Media Anime Project” panel.
Sneak peeks
at other upcoming anime and manga series, as well as news on newly licensed
properties, will be a major focus of the VIZ Media Panel, scheduled for Sunday
July 1st at 1:30PM in Room 515A.
VIZ Media’s
colorful booth on the main convention show floor (Booth 1401) will be a
continual hub of activity with planned giveaways of sci-fi samplers from the
company’s Haikasoru literary imprint, full-color anime and manga posters
featuring a variety of fan favorite characters, and much more! A special
photo op will also be available to create a fun memory and share it with
friends after the show!
Manga fans
are encouraged to explore VIZ Media’s WEEKLY SHONEN JUMP ALPHA, the nation’s leading
digital manga magazine. Readers that sign-up at the booth for an annual
membership during Anime Expo will be treated to a special free YU-GI-OH! Shock
Master collectable trading card (limited quantities available)!
Fans are also invited to a fun SHONEN JUMP ALPHA Fan Meet-Up scheduled
for Sunday July 1st, at 5PM in Room 515A. Gift bags filled with
a variety of fun collectables will be given away (while supplies last) and
attendees can meet the SHONEN JUMP ALPHA staff and other WEEKLY SHONEN JUMP
ALPHA readers, and learn all about what the nation’s premier digital manga
magazine has in-store for future issues.
VIZ Media will welcome TIGER & BUNNY Producer Masayuki
Ozaki as its exclusive guest for a very special panel discussion to be held on
Saturday, June 30th, 12PM to 1:30PM in Room LP1

- Laura Bailey (Dragon Kid)
- John Eric Bentley (Fire Emblem)
- Yuri Lowenthal (Barnaby Brooks Jr. / Bunny)
- Tara Platt (Agnes)
- Patrick Seitz (Sky High)
- Travis Willingham (Rock Bison)
Also on
Saturday, catch Mr. Ozaki and the TIGER & BUNNY voice actors at the South Hall Autograph Area at
3:30pm, where fans will have the opportunity to meet everyone at an in-booth
signing session.
TIGER & BUNNY (rated TV-14) is
set in Stern Bild, a metropolitan city where superheroes called NEXT help to
maintain peace. Sporting sponsor logos on their suits, these heroes work to
solve cases and save people’s lives in order to earn Hero Points, while also
helping to improve the public image of their corporate sponsors. Their
activities are documented and broadcast by the popular show “HERO TV,” in which
each superhero strives to become the “King of Heroes” of the year.
One such hero is Wild Tiger (real
name Kotetsu T. Kaburagi), a veteran superhero who relies on his years of
experience and instincts to fight crime. Though obligated to work for his
boss’s best interest, Kotetsu follows his own code of honor and is even willing
to cause destruction to public property for the sake of protecting the lives of
his fellow citizens. Over time, he has grudgingly earned the nickname “Crusher
for Justice.” Now, Kotetsu suddenly finds himself forced to team up with rookie
hero Barnaby Brooks Jr."
Black Dynamite on Adult Swim
Debuts Sunday, July 15th at 11:30 p.m. (ET/PT) on Adult Swim.
Sadly, Cartoon Network is promoting this anime style like cartoon at Anime Expo, you'll have to see all the ass kicking goodness this July. If you saw the preview episode up in Spring you can be prepared for a great adaption of the movie to cartoon series.
Anime Expo 2012: Right Stuf & Nozomi Entertainment
Right Stuf & Nozomi Entertainment Industry Panel
Day 1: Friday, June 29 at 5 p.m. PDT / Location: LP2 (LACC 502AB)
Join Right Stuf President and CEO Shawne Kleckner for the kick-off of Right Stuf’s 25th anniversary and the inside scoop on Nozomi Entertainment’s upcoming DVD release of Martian Successor Nadesico, plus a sneak peek at its newest acquisitions and a Q&A session.
Right Stuf’s Nozomi Entertainment Premieres:
Convention Premiere of Remastered MARTIAN SUCCESSOR NADESICO TV
Day 3: Sunday, July 1 at 3:30 p.m. PDT / Location: LP3 (LACC 515A)
Check out the remastered edition of Martian Successor Nadesico at its first official Anime Expo screening, plus prizes and giveaways.
Screenings! Lots of Screenings!
See the Anime Expo video schedule for updated times/locations.
Watch out for the following titles from Right Stuf’s Nozomi Entertainment: Antique Bakery, ARIA, Boogiepop Phantom TV, Dirty Pair TV, El-Hazard: The Wanderers, Gakuen Alice, The Irresponsible Captain Tylor, Maria Watches Over Us, Martian Successor Nadesico, Rental Magica, Revolutionary Girl Utena and Sound of the Sky (Sora no Woto).
Anime Expo 2012: Cash is King
Just a quick reminder, it's all about the money at AX, I mean cash versuses card. The bigger companies showing up might have cash registers and the new iPad attachment that reads cards, but the smaller ones don't. If your buying from Artist Alley forget it, you need some dollar bills.
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