Don't go , read it was bad on yelp
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Deviantart at AX
The deviant art community is notorious for being part of AX's Artist Alley, be sure to check if one of your favorite artist is in attendance. Here is just some fun stuff I saw being made for AX by deviant artists.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Game Dude 4th of July Sale
Game Dude
One day only, (4th of July) 25% off all used video games, bluray movies, dvd's, used strategy guides, and used accessories.
Panty Force Fields to Maximum, Mr. Springer
Yukinori Dehara: Worldwide Panty Flash
Giant Robot is proud to host World Wide Panty Flash, paper clay sculptures by Yukinori Dehara.
We’ve featured Japanese artist, Yukinori Dehara annually and his exhibitions range from being touching to grotesque. Yet like most artists, he has a deep ideology behind his pieces although to the casual observer, they look like fun.
Panchira means panty flash.
July 2 – July 27th, 2011
Reception: Saturday, July 2, 6:30 – 10:00 pm
GR2 2062 Sawtelle Blvd.Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 445-9276
Force Fields Benefit Art Show
Saturday, July 2, 2011 7:00 pm
Church in Ocean Park
235 Hill Street
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Music by Richard Thomas
Book and Lyrics by Stewart Lee & Richard Thomas
Directed by Trevor Biship
Musical Direction by Mike Wilkins
Choreographed by Kelly Todd*
WARNING: This show is strictly for adult audiences.
You will be shocked, you will most likely be offended,
but you will definitely laugh your a@# off!
From its phenomenal success in London and New York, Jerry Springer: The Opera is finally coming to Southern California. The smash-hit production combines the highest form of art and the lowest form of pop culture, and created history in the process by winning all four Best Musical Awards in London. In turns hilarious and heart-breaking, this raunchy, high-energy production follows Jerry Springer to the afterlife and beyond. Featuring nappy fetishists, wannabe strippers and dancing Klansmen, this profane, cheeky musical has a sung-through score that ranges from pop and classical to contemporary opera. Just remember, it ain’t over till the fat lady says you’re sleeping with your brother’s sister’s twin...
Giant Robot is proud to host World Wide Panty Flash, paper clay sculptures by Yukinori Dehara.
We’ve featured Japanese artist, Yukinori Dehara annually and his exhibitions range from being touching to grotesque. Yet like most artists, he has a deep ideology behind his pieces although to the casual observer, they look like fun.
Panchira means panty flash.
July 2 – July 27th, 2011
Reception: Saturday, July 2, 6:30 – 10:00 pm
GR2 2062 Sawtelle Blvd.Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 445-9276
Force Fields Benefit Art Show
Artists contributing include LivingFeral and Michael Sieben and Matt Lock and Jesse Fillingham and Nick Arciaga and Fionn McCabe and gobs and gobs of other delightful folk. The complete list of artists is in the link below.
3 DJs. Lots of Art. (and beer too!)
3 DJs. Lots of Art. (and beer too!)
Saturday, July 2, 2011 7:00 pm
Church in Ocean Park
235 Hill Street
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Sunday, July 3, 2011 7:30 pm
Hollywood Forever Cemetery
6000 Santa Monica Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90038
- Cost:
- $10.00

Book and Lyrics by Stewart Lee & Richard Thomas
Directed by Trevor Biship
Musical Direction by Mike Wilkins
Choreographed by Kelly Todd*
WARNING: This show is strictly for adult audiences.
You will be shocked, you will most likely be offended,
but you will definitely laugh your a@# off!
From its phenomenal success in London and New York, Jerry Springer: The Opera is finally coming to Southern California. The smash-hit production combines the highest form of art and the lowest form of pop culture, and created history in the process by winning all four Best Musical Awards in London. In turns hilarious and heart-breaking, this raunchy, high-energy production follows Jerry Springer to the afterlife and beyond. Featuring nappy fetishists, wannabe strippers and dancing Klansmen, this profane, cheeky musical has a sung-through score that ranges from pop and classical to contemporary opera. Just remember, it ain’t over till the fat lady says you’re sleeping with your brother’s sister’s twin...
Anime Expo 2011 Faq
This Faq is to help anyone going to AX from a veteran of AX. It goes over supplies, where to go, and what to do.
For direct info head to the AX site
For more coverage of AX 2011 keep checking TTDILA.COM
Time eludes us all, we can never beat, it's a part of us, but we can manage it.
Remember the Main Exhibit Hall doesn't open till noon
Friday July 1
Main Exhibit Hall Closes at 3pm
Monday July 4th, every other day it's 6pm
Check the schedule for the best events you'll find at AX
-Bring a big marker or pen and circle you free guide given to you when you enter. Go over what you want to do.
-Set a timer on your phone or watch giving you time to get in line for the events you want.
-There will be a line make time. It sucks, but there will be lines, bring manga or a portable video game device. Also, try starting a conversation with those around you, there in line, they must like what you like.
-Manage your time wisely, if your going for one day, make the most of it.
We exist in space with multiple locations around us with buildings, dwelling and people that we must respect their space, unless we get giant mechs. Then they can respect our space.
-LA Live and the Nokia Plaza are outside of the convention and across the street, they should mark it in your map clearly, but they don't. Just walk past or behind the Staples Center and you"ll find them.
-Look at a floor plan before AX here and here, remeber your gude has a map, also you can always ask volunteers or fellow convention goers.
Hunger, appetite as that all we are? No, but we need sustenance to survive. That and anime.
-Bring bottled water and throw it in your bag or free bag you"ll get. You need water. I suggest freezing them before you got to bed. Bring 2 water bottles to be safe.
-Have some extra cash to buy drinks, I think there are fountains, but still, eeehhh.
-The food is overpriced at the convention center and surrounding area. LA Live is worthless and overpriced. You have four options, eating at the convention, eating at LA Live, food trucks or trekking in deeper downtown.
The closes Subways and the one that has a decent pizza parlor near it are
504 West Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90015
1400 West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90015
Here are the food trucks appearing at LA Live
Surfer Taco
Ahn Joo
Slice Truck
Dim Sum Truck
Crepe N Around
Bool BBQ
Bap Pul (Korean Rolls)
Lee's Philly
Ludo Truck
Slice Truck
Ahn Joo
Crepe N Around
Don Chow Tacos
Dim Sum Truck
Mesohungry Truck
OG Tempura
George's Greek Truck
India Jones
Clean Street Food Truck
Surfer Taco
Slice Truck
Slap Yo Mama Truck
Mesohungry Truck
Del's Lemonade
White Rabbit
The Mighty Boba Truck
Fresh Fries
Sweet E's Bake Shop
No Jodas
Chef Che
-I recommend not bringing any lunch in a bag, because it spoils and it's extra weight you have to carry.
-Bring cash, it's just faster for everyone
-How much cash, depends where your eating, Bring a $20 to be safe for lunch
-Eat dinner in Little Tokyo, or a restaurant around LA, look online we do have some great places, just maybe get out of the cosplay unless a lot of expoers are going.
-Remember LA Live is expensive for dinner and you want money to buy anime merch.
Getting There
Getting there is just a state of mind, in which the body must follow or your brain will die, in 24 hours, unless put back in. You're running out of time!
Anime Expo is being held at the
Los Angeles Convention Center
1201 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015
By Car
-Make time for traffic
-LA is known for it's traffic, it's also the 4th of July weekend so traffic will be in full swing on the major freeways.
-Another problem is they are doing work on the 110 and 405. The 110 which gets right to the Convention Center has been closing the exits and off-ramps, be prepared to take another route or another off-ramp.
-If you don't have gps, look at a map online of how your getting there, print it out, and mark alternative ways to get in.
-The metro is ugly, man could it try and look nice.
-Safe though in the sense of no gangs or anything like that, if you are afraid look for fellow AX folk.
-The following just goes over the worst of the Metro, it does get you there fast if you don't have other means. Service seems to slow down at night and be less accurate with time.
The problem with the Metro is it can be confusing, be sure to buy the right kind of ticket. I suggest the day pass, because you"ll be most likely taking multiple routes that require extra ticket/transfers.
-Beware of late trains and buses, problems due occur and it's very busy in LA because it's the 4th of July.
-Here's maps and timetables and fares, which are unfair. I suggest getting the day pass, becuase frankly the sysyem is desgined to get you a ticket, you might also miss your train or bus getting a transfer or another ticket.
-You see you start with a base fare and add 35 cents per transfer, that's everytime you change the color of the rail your on, it aggrivating to have to change it every time
-Just get a day pass to be safe. It's 6 bucks and use to be 5 bucks a year ago. Still cheaper than parking
-Don't try to get on without a ticket, the LAPD loves getting people for this on expos.
-Make time to park
-Parking prices fluctuate, the convention center itself might make parking prices somewhere above $20.
-They have parking in the back of the convention center and LA Live
-Surrounding parking lots are usually cheaper, but you"ll be further away from the convention center. Some can be more, remember again bring cash, it's just faster and usually they don't take card.
-One must be like a cat, lazy, yet ready to pounce. Agile, but falls backwards after string. Licking themselves all over till they're clean.
-Take a shower and put on deodorant before you go, it matters. Other people stink, make fun of them if they do, if they don't understand to bath themselves, but can cosplay, they've made bad life choices.
-Get a small deodorant from your local mini-mart, 7-eleven what have you. Put it on after a few hours at the con. Just drop in your bag like the water.
-Your going to sweat, get wet naps and tissues.
-Get those portable tissues just in case your nose starts running or if you get a nose bleed after seeing hotties in cosplay.
Hints, Terms
-Bring you 3DS it will explode.
-Artist Alley will have multiple 3DS signs, your 3DS will explode in Artist Alley.
-If your looking at stuff at artist alley booths and taking long be sure to talk to the people at the booth and say something like "you're just browsing" or "you like there stuff and just looking", it can get awkward unless you say something.
-Manga and anime-why are you going to the convenion than? You don't know? You figure it out on your own.
-Hentai is manga or anime porn, there will be many booths with it. If your underage they"ll tell you to scram.
-Yaoi is gay or homo-erotic manga, if you see a yaoi booth or sign and don't like it walk away. There are usually three big booths of yaoi. You can also go, "Eww yaoi, gross!" and people will go, "yeah".
Not go look at Hentai.
-A yaoi paddle is a small paddle given or bought at the yaoi booths. It is a symbol of yaoi and gay spanking. Don't worry, no one is allowed to spank you or they"ll get kicked out.
-Grab bags have random stuff in them, usually what didn't sell, not worth getting.
-Old people and the disabled get priority seating, they just do. They have their own line or will be put in front of the line.
-There is press line, the press line rules.
-You can't stand in the video rooms, it's just policy, don't be pissed, it just happens. The people working are just volunteers, they"ll ask you to leave, go.
-If it's hard to sit down or get seats in a video screening room don't bother, your going to have to be the annoying jerk who steps over people, for some reason chairs can be set up poorly with no room for someone to walk in front while people are already seated, worse if the lights are off.
-Who brought a baby, shun them, you don't bring babies to high foot traffic events unless you're dumb. You don't want to hear one during animes being shown, they should have gotten a sitter, if they had the money to go to AX, they had the money to get a sitter.
-Don't put your stroller in front of the booth, your blocking it for everyone and putting your baby in risk of being pushed. People like disgust us.
-Don't freak out about asking taking pictures, just ask politely of the cosplayers, they want pictures taken ,why else did they dress up.
For direct info head to the AX site
For more coverage of AX 2011 keep checking TTDILA.COM
Time eludes us all, we can never beat, it's a part of us, but we can manage it.
Remember the Main Exhibit Hall doesn't open till noon
Friday July 1
Main Exhibit Hall Closes at 3pm
Monday July 4th, every other day it's 6pm
Check the schedule for the best events you'll find at AX
-Bring a big marker or pen and circle you free guide given to you when you enter. Go over what you want to do.
-Set a timer on your phone or watch giving you time to get in line for the events you want.
-There will be a line make time. It sucks, but there will be lines, bring manga or a portable video game device. Also, try starting a conversation with those around you, there in line, they must like what you like.
-Manage your time wisely, if your going for one day, make the most of it.
We exist in space with multiple locations around us with buildings, dwelling and people that we must respect their space, unless we get giant mechs. Then they can respect our space.
-LA Live and the Nokia Plaza are outside of the convention and across the street, they should mark it in your map clearly, but they don't. Just walk past or behind the Staples Center and you"ll find them.
-Look at a floor plan before AX here and here, remeber your gude has a map, also you can always ask volunteers or fellow convention goers.
Hunger, appetite as that all we are? No, but we need sustenance to survive. That and anime.
-Bring bottled water and throw it in your bag or free bag you"ll get. You need water. I suggest freezing them before you got to bed. Bring 2 water bottles to be safe.
-Have some extra cash to buy drinks, I think there are fountains, but still, eeehhh.
-The food is overpriced at the convention center and surrounding area. LA Live is worthless and overpriced. You have four options, eating at the convention, eating at LA Live, food trucks or trekking in deeper downtown.
The closes Subways and the one that has a decent pizza parlor near it are
504 West Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90015
1400 West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90015
Here are the food trucks appearing at LA Live
Surfer Taco
Ahn Joo
Slice Truck
Dim Sum Truck
Crepe N Around
Bool BBQ
Bap Pul (Korean Rolls)
Lee's Philly
Ludo Truck
Slice Truck
Ahn Joo
Crepe N Around
Don Chow Tacos
Dim Sum Truck
Mesohungry Truck
OG Tempura
George's Greek Truck
India Jones
Clean Street Food Truck
Surfer Taco
Slice Truck
Slap Yo Mama Truck
Mesohungry Truck
Del's Lemonade
White Rabbit
The Mighty Boba Truck
Fresh Fries
Sweet E's Bake Shop
No Jodas
Chef Che
-I recommend not bringing any lunch in a bag, because it spoils and it's extra weight you have to carry.
-Bring cash, it's just faster for everyone
-How much cash, depends where your eating, Bring a $20 to be safe for lunch
-Eat dinner in Little Tokyo, or a restaurant around LA, look online we do have some great places, just maybe get out of the cosplay unless a lot of expoers are going.
-Remember LA Live is expensive for dinner and you want money to buy anime merch.
Getting There
Getting there is just a state of mind, in which the body must follow or your brain will die, in 24 hours, unless put back in. You're running out of time!
Anime Expo is being held at the
Los Angeles Convention Center

1201 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015
By Car
-Make time for traffic
-LA is known for it's traffic, it's also the 4th of July weekend so traffic will be in full swing on the major freeways.
-Another problem is they are doing work on the 110 and 405. The 110 which gets right to the Convention Center has been closing the exits and off-ramps, be prepared to take another route or another off-ramp.
-If you don't have gps, look at a map online of how your getting there, print it out, and mark alternative ways to get in.
-The metro is ugly, man could it try and look nice.
-Safe though in the sense of no gangs or anything like that, if you are afraid look for fellow AX folk.
-The following just goes over the worst of the Metro, it does get you there fast if you don't have other means. Service seems to slow down at night and be less accurate with time.
The problem with the Metro is it can be confusing, be sure to buy the right kind of ticket. I suggest the day pass, because you"ll be most likely taking multiple routes that require extra ticket/transfers.
-Beware of late trains and buses, problems due occur and it's very busy in LA because it's the 4th of July.
-Here's maps and timetables and fares, which are unfair. I suggest getting the day pass, becuase frankly the sysyem is desgined to get you a ticket, you might also miss your train or bus getting a transfer or another ticket.
-You see you start with a base fare and add 35 cents per transfer, that's everytime you change the color of the rail your on, it aggrivating to have to change it every time
-Just get a day pass to be safe. It's 6 bucks and use to be 5 bucks a year ago. Still cheaper than parking
-Don't try to get on without a ticket, the LAPD loves getting people for this on expos.
-Make time to park
-Parking prices fluctuate, the convention center itself might make parking prices somewhere above $20.
-They have parking in the back of the convention center and LA Live
-Surrounding parking lots are usually cheaper, but you"ll be further away from the convention center. Some can be more, remember again bring cash, it's just faster and usually they don't take card.
-One must be like a cat, lazy, yet ready to pounce. Agile, but falls backwards after string. Licking themselves all over till they're clean.
-Take a shower and put on deodorant before you go, it matters. Other people stink, make fun of them if they do, if they don't understand to bath themselves, but can cosplay, they've made bad life choices.
-Get a small deodorant from your local mini-mart, 7-eleven what have you. Put it on after a few hours at the con. Just drop in your bag like the water.
-Your going to sweat, get wet naps and tissues.
-Get those portable tissues just in case your nose starts running or if you get a nose bleed after seeing hotties in cosplay.
Hints, Terms
-Bring you 3DS it will explode.
-Artist Alley will have multiple 3DS signs, your 3DS will explode in Artist Alley.
-If your looking at stuff at artist alley booths and taking long be sure to talk to the people at the booth and say something like "you're just browsing" or "you like there stuff and just looking", it can get awkward unless you say something.
-Manga and anime-why are you going to the convenion than? You don't know? You figure it out on your own.
-Hentai is manga or anime porn, there will be many booths with it. If your underage they"ll tell you to scram.
-Yaoi is gay or homo-erotic manga, if you see a yaoi booth or sign and don't like it walk away. There are usually three big booths of yaoi. You can also go, "Eww yaoi, gross!" and people will go, "yeah".
Not go look at Hentai.
-A yaoi paddle is a small paddle given or bought at the yaoi booths. It is a symbol of yaoi and gay spanking. Don't worry, no one is allowed to spank you or they"ll get kicked out.
-Grab bags have random stuff in them, usually what didn't sell, not worth getting.
-Old people and the disabled get priority seating, they just do. They have their own line or will be put in front of the line.
-There is press line, the press line rules.
-You can't stand in the video rooms, it's just policy, don't be pissed, it just happens. The people working are just volunteers, they"ll ask you to leave, go.
-If it's hard to sit down or get seats in a video screening room don't bother, your going to have to be the annoying jerk who steps over people, for some reason chairs can be set up poorly with no room for someone to walk in front while people are already seated, worse if the lights are off.
-Who brought a baby, shun them, you don't bring babies to high foot traffic events unless you're dumb. You don't want to hear one during animes being shown, they should have gotten a sitter, if they had the money to go to AX, they had the money to get a sitter.
-Don't put your stroller in front of the booth, your blocking it for everyone and putting your baby in risk of being pushed. People like disgust us.
-Don't freak out about asking taking pictures, just ask politely of the cosplayers, they want pictures taken ,why else did they dress up.
Panty and Stocking Cosplay Gathering
Friday July 1st 2:00pm Outside West Hall near Staples Center
Suppose to have over 40 people
The dirty girls of Gainax will be portrayed by fans, I hope Funimation snags some footage for the dvd extras when the release the show next year.
Suppose to have over 40 people
The dirty girls of Gainax will be portrayed by fans, I hope Funimation snags some footage for the dvd extras when the release the show next year.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
We Heart Singing for Japan (featuring Stephanie Sheh & Cristina Vee)
We Heart Singing for Japan (feat. Stephanie Sheh & Cristina Vee)
We Heart Japan hosts a night of fun and singing with voice actors Stephanie Sheh and Cristina Vee!
Date: June 30, 2011 (Thurs)
Time: 8:00pm – 10:00pm
Location: Max Karaoke Little Tokyo
Price: $40 per person, limit two purchases per person
RSVP at [email protected] with full name, email, and phone number.
(We Heart Japan does not share your information with anyone!)
Last day to reserve will be June 28.
main site
tonight is the last time to reserve
We Heart Japan hosts a night of fun and singing with voice actors Stephanie Sheh and Cristina Vee!
Date: June 30, 2011 (Thurs)
Time: 8:00pm – 10:00pm
Location: Max Karaoke Little Tokyo
Price: $40 per person, limit two purchases per person
RSVP at [email protected] with full name, email, and phone number.
(We Heart Japan does not share your information with anyone!)
Last day to reserve will be June 28.
main site
tonight is the last time to reserve
Bowie Back To Bowie
David Bowie has entered your space. If it isn't his son making the movie Moon or him being the leader of Clamatous Intent on the Venture Bros it's him being in aline or in space.

Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
A doc on Bowie and his band and all the crazy apparell he wore
june 28, 29, 30
Tue/Wed/Thu: 7:30
New Beverly
7165 West Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036
The Man Who Fell To Earth
A young alien becomes a jerk after interacting with humans.
Starts Friday, July 8 at at the Nuart Theatre
Actress Candy Clark In Person Monday, July 11 at 8:30pm!
Showtimes: Fri at 2:00, 5:15, 8:30 & 11:45; Sat- Thu at 2:00, 5:15 & 8:30
Landmark’s Nuart Theatre
11272 Santa Monica Boulevard
WTF Caltrans at Night and That Isn't a Waterslide
When I recently posted on Caltrans District 7 Headquarters, Photo_la left some great comments. I didn't even freaken know that Caltrans looked like this at night. I've been there at night before, so it's weird. Your tax dollars at work, a art installation no one sees, because no one works at night and there are now public places open at night near it.
Also if you've ever been looking form the 110 or 101 you might have seen this slide looking thing, it's part of Central Los Angeles Public High School for the Visual and Performing Arts. The school has big money behind it from the studios to have a future work force ready from college. The equipment and facilites for entertainment are suppose to be industry standard. The terrible name is because I think the LAUSD or LA Council can't come to agrrement on what to name it, usually they want to name it after themselves, thank god it's not Villagrossa High.
Central Los Angeles Public High School for the Visual and Performing Arts
Also if you've ever been looking form the 110 or 101 you might have seen this slide looking thing, it's part of Central Los Angeles Public High School for the Visual and Performing Arts. The school has big money behind it from the studios to have a future work force ready from college. The equipment and facilites for entertainment are suppose to be industry standard. The terrible name is because I think the LAUSD or LA Council can't come to agrrement on what to name it, usually they want to name it after themselves, thank god it's not Villagrossa High.
Central Los Angeles Public High School for the Visual and Performing Arts
450 N. Grand Ave Los Angeles, California, 90071 |
What, It's Over 9,000? oh, Things To Do
Anime Expo
I've be been writing about for over a week now, you should know everything about it, but those late to he game, if you like anime you've found Nirvana.
Friday, July 1, 2011 til July 4th
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Anaheim, CA 92802
more things to do tomorrow, just wanted to get that Transformers thing out there
I've be been writing about for over a week now, you should know everything about it, but those late to he game, if you like anime you've found Nirvana.
Friday, July 1, 2011 til July 4th
Los Angeles Convention Center
1201 S Figueroa StLos Angeles, CA 90015
Friday, July 1, 2011 til July 3rd
Anaheim Convention Center
800 W Katella AveAnaheim, CA 92802
The new anime convention on the block, with experience from prior Anime Expo staff. Adding even more Anime to you life this weekend. It's big break, it's free! Anime Expo isn't.
The first 3,000 ticket holders at the Tuesday midnight showing of Transformers (poorly titled) Dark of the Moon from Arclight will be walking away with a Jesse Phillips poster.. Damn, that's today!
The Bumblebee Camaro and Optimus Prime truck will be on site at Hollywood from June 28th through July 4th
Take an additional 30% off red-line merchandise at all Urban Outfitters stores from June 29th - July 4th (In-store only).
Space 15 Twenty
1520 N. Cahuenga Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Umami Burger Movie Nite: "WarGames"
Tuesday, June 28th 8pm
In the Courtyard of Space 15 Twenty
1520 N. Cahuenga Blvd.
Los Angeles 90028
Tuesday, June 28th 8pm
In the Courtyard of Space 15 Twenty
1520 N. Cahuenga Blvd.
Los Angeles 90028
more things to do tomorrow, just wanted to get that Transformers thing out there
Beetroot, I Mean ReBoot Seasons 3 & 4 Review
Episodes parody so much other media with in jokes at every turn. I saw references to Mortal Kombat, Xena, Star Trek, Marvel and DC, Wacky Races, James Bond and Nerf Guns. It's the way ReBoot would cram the references in the episodes and combine them. Who'd think of a Wacky Races and James Bond episode. It's so random. They even copied a stylized James Bond opening, "It's a firewall!"
The series takes a much darker tone as Bob is lost and
Enzo almost loses hop more than once, a encounter with Turbo the head guardian, Marks the situation grow even worse and all guardian are infected with a virus putting them under a new super powerful virus. It also gives Enzo a new reason to find Bob as his code is clean and might be the only way to cure the net. Enzo along the way meets up with a pirate crew he knows from the past and a new friend who lets them search the web.
One of the greatest parts of the show was encasing the pirate ship the Saucy Mare in dead web creatures making it look totally bad ass. Another great feature of the episodes in Enzo's gun which has multiple modes and powers and even comes to Enzo when he beckons."Let's get the ASCII out of here" lines like that cover the series made only in a computer world would those jokes work around people who aren't nerds.
The end of mainframe and restart is stunning if your a fan of the series, seeing everything come back together after Megabyte destroyed it.The fourth season suffers from ending early and on a cliffhanger.
Some huge battles ensue and a fight between Enzo and Megabyte that's been built up for some time. For early cgi animation the show pulls off some great cinematic elements. One scene of just Megabyte getting closer and closer to Enzo after Enzo has fallen. The clang of Megabyte feet on the hull of the principal office.
There's huge character development with Hexadecimal and the bizarre somewhat Jesus Christ returning of Bob. You could tell Mainframe entertainment was getting a bit to spiritual with the computer stuff. Once scene has Bob communicating with a giant glitch.Oh, yeah there's the whole Glitch Bob, where Glitch and Bob become one entity. Bob gets superpowers and looks, kind of like a walking Jesus metaphor.
Another big surprise was seeing Marv Wolfman's name a writing credit, it might not be the comic writer, but episodes seem written well.
Cameos are everywhere, as stated earlier. Sailor Moon bites it, the Blues Brothers show up and the scene from the original Frankenstein is used to cover Hexadecimal's rebirth. While I was watching the first season of Beast Wars, Mainframe Entertainment used the Frankenstein it's alive scene for when the Dino-Bot clone was created. If you watch cartoons or television everyone uses it a homage or because they're cartoon writers and they steal things. Even Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z show up s references.
It has a great continuity to it and keeps itself going like a soap opera. Characters to get entangled with and enough bad jokes to crash your hard drive, sorry. Pick it up to see what happens from the first set.
ReBoot: Season Three and Four $21.99 on Amazon
Down time from Anime Expo, Little Tokyo
If you haven't been reading the blog, then you might not know I frequent Little Tokyo. Here's some shots of the places to check out in Little Tokyo
100 S Main St
Say, hello to Los Angeles' Death Star. This death fortress is one of the coolest looking buildings in LA and has no ties to the army. It's the Caltrans headquarters. Who knew Caltrans needed a death fortress.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Multiple stores and eateries make up this small outdoor mall area. I forget the artist, but she put up some strange, yet funny and colorful pieces up all around.
123 Astronaut E Onizuka St, 2nd floor
This remains my favorite like a scene out of Battle Royale
A big bowl for a fair price.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Yummy new tastes await you. try something at random or weird. Hmmm, that sticker near the UCC Coffee is from a anime.
128 Astronaut E S Onizuka St
Ste 223
Los Angeles, CA 90012
The central part of Little Tokyo walk through to find stores and tourist trap goods,
Caltrans District 7 Headquarters
100 S Main St
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Say, hello to Los Angeles' Death Star. This death fortress is one of the coolest looking buildings in LA and has no ties to the army. It's the Caltrans headquarters. Who knew Caltrans needed a death fortress. Weller Court Shopping Center
123 Astronaut E S Onizuka StLos Angeles, CA 90012
Multiple stores and eateries make up this small outdoor mall area. I forget the artist, but she put up some strange, yet funny and colorful pieces up all around.
Kinokuniya Bookstores
123 Astronaut E Onizuka St, 2nd floor
Los Angeles, CA 90012
A huge selection of anime and manga, maybe the biggest selection of manga in LA. Japanese anime and video game art books. DVD's and imported magazine and books
This remains my favorite like a scene out of Battle Royale
Chin-Ma-Ya of Tokyo
123 Astronaut Ellison S Onizuka St, 2nd floor
Los Angeles, CA 90012A big bowl for a fair price.
Marukai Market
123 S Onizuka StLos Angeles, CA 90012
Yummy new tastes await you. try something at random or weird. Hmmm, that sticker near the UCC Coffee is from a anime.
Q Pop Shop
128 Astronaut E S Onizuka St
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Get some rare Japanese toys, music or clothes here. Art shows and manga, too.
Japanese Village Plaza
335 E 2nd StSte 223
Los Angeles, CA 90012
The central part of Little Tokyo walk through to find stores and tourist trap goods,
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