Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mega Man: Robot Master Field Guide

The Mega Man Tribute Book hasn't even hit shelves, but UDON reveals the Mega Man: Robot Master Field Guide coming out this January

Here's the synopsis
The Mega Man: Robot Master Field Guide is the ultimate handbook to the classic Mega Man universe. Inside you'll find profiles of every major Mega Man character, including all the Robot Masters from Mega Man 1-10, Mega Man and Bass, the Mega Man Gameboy series, plus important special characters like Proto Man, Rush, Roll, Duo, and more. Each profile features classic CAPCOM artwork, and includes bios, quotes, likes and dislikes, weapons, and, of course, each Robot Master's secret weakness

A  144 pages of Mega Man info to accompany the Tribute Book. Makes me wish Mega Man Legends 3 was still coming out or at least the little blue bomber be added to the Marvel Vs Capcom 3 roster.