Thursday, August 4, 2011 Review

I had fun trying out a fast and easy service for putting art up on my wall. For someone who can be artistic or wishes for a piece or photo to be put up on their walls right away it's quite nice.The expense isn't too bad either.

 I headed over to    I clicked the Star Designing Now link and was transported to a page of options. It took a few seconds as I went through which wrap would look nicer I chose 10 by 8, but there are all the regular sizes to put up and even the option for irregular sizes to fit nooks ans crannies of your house.You just select the image as long as it is not copyright protected and upload it.

I chose the Things To Do In LA logo. It even rates your image quality so you don't get crappy pixelated garbage at larger size prints. You can also alter the size of you image to give it more room or center it or what have you. You then choose  different styles of borders. I just chose classy classic white, but you can do a mirror effect and other fun little bits.

Build A Sign
Easy Canvas Prints

 Great for you if just took a shot with your camera and want a huge picture of it hanging in your house. I think it be great to use for a prank. Take a pic of someone with something in between their teeth or too full of food. Have handle your art needs.

Here's the result a great looking Things To Do In LA logo to hang in my office. They even added a nice little flower portrait to hang somewhere in the bidet, if I had a bidet.  It's a reliable service that will get you your art or sign done in a quick or easy fashion, that doesn't require you to stand in line.