Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Three God Damn Film Festivals This Weekend


Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival

April 28th to May 7th
Mutilple Theaters

The Los Angeles Asian Film Festival has a many different genres and some very intriguing movies to see

recommended viewing


Say Hello to the next generation of Jackie Chan Martia Arts movies without Jackie Chan. From the people who brought you Chocolate a martial arts instant cult classic. People fighting underneath a speeding truck. High kicks and motorcycle fights make it a fun romp into crazy action wuth minimal plot.


A young boy imagines what his father is like, his imagination was probably better.


If you missed it at the Indian Film Festival check it out here. A doc about a detective and his agency that has to deal with the crimes that most people just don't want to/


Madame X looks terrible, it"ll probably be terrible, but you will laught your ass off. A strange idea a transvestite superhero, from a stranger source. The creator comes from the Pasadena College of Art and Design. No idea how they got from there to this, maybe watching the campy old 60's Batman.



Wearing a Mario hat?!!!

Synopsis from site" Ah Sheng loves to draw superheroes, but can’t afford the comics depicting them. When he resorts to stealing a comic book from a small Indian provision ('mama') shop, the gentle owner takes pity, as fate challenges assumptions on where friendship is possible."


Film Noir and vampires you have me sold.


James Hong you so crazy.


Newport Beach Film Festival

Tons of genres and some always rare picks make it a fun festival to drive out to, being a beach community doesn't hurt.

April 28- May 5th
Multiple Theaters


If you missed the showing at Cinefamily now's your chance to catch the thrilling anime racer. Forget you average Nascar race, think insane levels of speed, highly sexualized car innuendo and excellent Madhouse Animation.

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

Based on a anime, probably based on a manga you haven't seen from Japan. A kooky time travel love story. I'd be sucked into any insane time travel movie with a cute Japanese school girl.


Suppose to be the next cult horror flick from a foreign land, Trolls can't be real right? I think Magnet picked it up and it"ll have a wider release soon.

Make me laugh zombie comedy take on the buddy travel movie.


Superheroes are real, they just aren't what you think, check out this doc on real-life superheroes and I don't mean police or fireman.


I'm hooked just by the picture.
site synopsis"This mystical story is unlike anything you have seen. Benno wakes up one morning to find sand in his bed. Day after day the sand increases and soon his time literally starts running short. Finally he is left no choice but to ask the woman who owns the coffee shop below him for help. Benno hates her with a passion but he continues to have dreams of her every night. Benno must now find out what Sandra and the dreams have to do with the sand."


Turner Classic Film Festival

A huge chunk of films that everyone should have seen or gives the option to now see with a big group. Many talks about the craft and seeing how movies were crafted in the past to now.
All of them are classics so I don't have many recommendations

April 28-May 1
Multiple Theaters around Hollywood

Taxi Driver- the sheer thought of it having a sequel now is idiotic, but it's in the works.
Be sure to check out Taxi, a horrifying display of why New York sucks and you should never visit it. Gritty and messed up, see the world for what it is a lot of the time a messed up sick place.