Even the L.A. Times is getting excitied about L.A. Noire out from rock star, the article goes through how parts of the game were made.It's release on May 17th still has no big launch party in L.A. announced. Please, don't have a launch in New York, Rock Star. Please do something in L.A., make people dress like gansters and rent a hotel. The article says the marketing is suppose to get up high
so keep your eyes open for billboards and hopefully some viral marketing around the city.
I would never get sick of this. Find out how to make it here

Minecraft Doc
Kickstarter pays the fees for a Minecraft Documentary from the same people who gave us Reformat the Planet. The Documentary is titled Minecraft: The Story of Mojang
For those who backed the projecte some sweet goodies. I alwas wonder what that digital dong monster was. It's called a Creeper. See it some time in 2012.
Artist Lucy Knisley reminded me of the BOOBS and GOOMBAS: A Super Mario Burlesque is still going on (sadly not in LA) at the Gorilla Tango Theater in Chicago.
Here's a full review of the show, the review said he laughed so much he had to put down his camera.
Sonic I'd like you to meet Sonic, time travel, yeah, time travel.