The Art of Mondo
as of writing this
$50.84 on Amazon
When I start flipping through the pages, I stop, laugh and glance at the Iron Man poster. Done by artist Jesse Phillips it sits in my bathroom over the toilet. As Iron Man is on his metal thrown so am I, but pooping. It even glows in the dark. Not my poop, the poster.
As I turn the page, I go, "Wait, the book doesn't have the alternates?" Yeah, though there's page after page of beautiful art for many movies, the book didn't include the special editions, limited editions and what have you. It's nice to see stealth suit iron man colors too. So, if you want a compendium of all the art that's come out from Mondo, sorry it's not here.
Not that it isn't a huge collection already. You can stare at posters never to be released again that fill each page with memories of your favorite films.
I mean so many posters today suck. Mondo tries to make theses posters a work of art. When it comes to movie posters or what's on Blu-ray the studios and publishers just try and get their stars faces as big as they can with the title. They could care less about it looking cool.
Mondo has the artists to make it look cool. They have some favorites, but they also have a big group of different artists tackling different films. Many of which aren't new. Many of the posters are paying respect to movies from your childhood or way before you were born.

As you look through the book you'll get an outline of the history of how Mondo started and what it has been doing over the years with some key people, but it's light read to accompany the art.
There's a reason Mondo posters sell out so fast. You'll be seeing why in each page of this book as an artist captures a distinctive look that makes someone want a poster so bad that they want to look up at every time they go to the toilet.
Book provided by publisher for review purposes