Tuesday, October 10, 2017

IndieCade 2017: Games Part 1

We swam the vast of ocean of IndieCade to play all sorts of new and strange games. Here's our first start on our treasure map of gaming.

Winner of the Audience Choice award was Plunder Panic. One of the first games we tried at IndieCade this year. You and up to eleven friends can try and sink each other's pirate ships. Either grab a sword, grab gold, grab a cannonball or row a dynamite-filled boat in this awesome multiplayer game.

We really enjoyed the game-play, but only wished we could have more levels to play in. Let's hope the makers of the game keep tweaking it.

If you want something both adorable and strange, that isn't very hard to play there's Disco Bear. A game where you control, well not that much. It's an interactive game that you can play now for free and it's only about ten minutes. You'll see the unfolding silly drama about a polar bear having to get back on track and dance again. It's a game that should have probably had dance party themed around it.

Outside you could play the very strange Slap Friends. By wearing special hats with sensor mittens you could flail about at your friends to see whose better at...well, slapping, I guess. It's a wonderful sight to see in person.

Dream Daddy was on board The daddy dating simulation game seemed more reasonable around all the other games with possibly stranger premises. The game has had  a notable release already. But, though it isn't a game for me, I can't deny the art looks great for a dating sim.

Friendship was not high on my list of gaming or maybe I'm just bad at it when using one controller. PHOGS tests your friendship as you have to work together as a two-headed dog using one controller. It didn't go well for me/us.

Beeps and boops were making all kinds of sounds in the main hall. Bleep Space was a bizarre music creation device that allowed multiple players to make a symphony of synthesized sounds. It had its own fabricated design at IndieCade so you could press a ton of buttons.

More games from IndieCade coming.