I tried Screen X for myself the other night for Kingsman: The Golden Circle. Now this was a great experience as car chases and gun fights were cast on all sides of me as I followed Taron Egerton
as Eggsy and Colin Firth as Harry kick @ss and take names.
Now it's not as simple as just stretching the screen to fit. Those behind Screen X seem to sit down and edit in the sides when there are scenes worth having the experience. A lot of the times the screen does stretch out, but it seems like it's to immerse you in a room or a location. And it may have been added for just the experience.
When there are some digital read outs in the movie from some hi-tech spy glasses Screen X has some fun display information all on three screens. Each giving it's own bit.
At no time did it feel overwhelming, it surprisingly added to the experience. Making me feel more in the movie and in each situation.
Just to be specific, sometimes Screen X will not be on. Some scenes in the film didn't call for it or possibly there was no way to stretch or create images to fit the sides.
One scene with butterflies all around was a nice look at the experience from the opposite of the frenetic explosions and all out action, which works really well too. I mean taking down bad guys with guns and hi-tech weapons or just the starting car chase/fight. It was worth seeing in the new format.
Now Screen X is still a selective beast, so not every action film is going to come out in that format and currently you can only catch it at two theaters in the LA area.CGV Cinemas in Koreatown and Buena Park are the only places in LA that we know about that have it. So it may not come out with every new film.
We do say try it at least once with any sort of action or adventure movie coming out in the future or right now if you haven't seen Kingsmans 2.
Check out the theaters here