Monday, July 16, 2012

Spilt Milk

Sky Burchard, "Spilt Milk"
Friday, July 20, 2012, 7:00-9:00PM
One night only
1904 East Seventh Place
Los Angeles, California 90021
[email protected]

Sky Burchard's new work leaves me thirtsy and that's not a bad thing. I don't want to divulge too much, I have seen early builds of his work and the time and thought put into them astounds. With them completed I wonder how drunk on eye-catching style you can get at one show. Be there Friday! Much safer than any art walk.

 from the artist
"The words "Spilt Milk" conjure up feelings of loss and regret, the remains of something once there that has now moved on. So great is this loss, the first few words of the saying, "Don't Cry" need not be uttered, for we all know better.

Sky Burchard brings together four sculptures, a framed image and a poster in a solo show that ruminates on loss but does not shed a tear. Four sculpted cartons erupt and leak sculpted milk from inside sterile vitrines. A framed image of a blurry screenshot of Slash of Guns N' Roses, pouring out his soul in front of that church in the desert, (November Rain) hangs ambiguously to the side. A poster for the show, with crease lines and Slash's emoticon stamped in the corner is thumb-tacked to the wall opposite the image."