Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Rick Lenz@ The Last Bookstore April 4th North of Hollywood Review

Rick Lenz will be signing copies of his memoirs "North of Hollywood" at The Last Bookstore , 453 S. Spring St., Ground Floor) in Downtown L.A. on April 4 at 8 p.m.

You can also get  North of Hollywood on Amazon

Rick is a cowboy, no he's a Dad, or has he recently gotten married, maybe he's too many things. Rick jumps around his stories and thoughts like all Alzheimer's patients. What you get from this is what it's like to be a Hollywood actor and what staying as one entails. It's a good look at the behind the scenes of tinsel town and one man's life wanting to be a star.

Writing in the book like "My reaction to having a large, metaphorical penis stuck in my mouth in front of hundreds of millions of people on Academy Award night is that I'm thrilled", tells you Rick loves to joke when he writes. Then there are lines like, "I've never forgotten his face. He will be one of the murder victims two years from now." Reading it feels like sitting next to Rick, like he's there with you spouting these horrible stories of him making it in Hollywood.

Not only did I like hearing the struggling actor exploits, but also hearing about LA. Different locales and shoots or just Rick remembering where he was when something in his life went up or down. There is a bit of that, he is an actor.

He's also been in some big name films over the years and met tinsel town's top leaving for some fun words from celebrities.

If you're an actor or in the entertainment industry in LA and you just might be, it's a long look at someone's life in somewhat the same beat. If not entertainment, it's still an attention grabbing read with insightful stuff about LA. Grab a copy and meet Rick while you can.