Saturday, March 31, 2012

Arcades in LA: Powersurge Feel The Power of the Modern Arcade

Wow, it's been a while since I reviewed a local arcade, I forgot I had a special title for these posts. Now were on Powersurge, it's the modern American arcade.

6081 Center Dr
Los Angeles, CA 90045
 (310) 410-2120

I remember writing about it a year ago and even earlier when it just opened, two years back. It's console based. Only 360's and Wii's, no PS3's. They do have kinects set-up too. Another feature is some of the 360 are connected online, so you can play any online game you want. Some even have their stats built up from some many people playing. The place gets the new titles for you, what's popular and new.

You can pay hourly and it's cheaper than a movie if you play a game for an hour. Here are the rates, they seem fair and if you go for one of the big TV's or projection screen it's totally worth it. That means for an hour or two any title they have in their game library is yours.

From my experience I had a lot of fun on the projection screen playing a dancing game, but you can play anything on just this massive screen. Dancing and moving, I was in the zone as you might see in the video, just kidding, I know I'm frightful at it, but man it made me want to dance off. You can also get the classic 37" model to play on too.

Decor wise, it might be the cleanest arcade you've ever been in. Everything is  nice and tidy, you get your own chair to sit and play your games with or a big basketball texture couch, or plenty of standing room. Don't worry about being next to someone they"ll space you out so you have your room. That is unless the place gets packed for a birthday. Did try the bathroom, totally clean, no writing on the walls.

If you've been to an art gallery, it somewhat looks like one, but there isn't any art up, at least that's what Roger Ebert would say, but to me all the screens with video game title screens playing is art to me.

At it's start I believe it wanted to focus on both exercise and video games and some games do get you active, they maybe wanted some video game exercises classes too. Yet, that's not going on right now, don't know if it didn't work or whatever, it sounds intriguing.

Staff was helpful and attentive, while I was there Jared, Jared and Noah were on que, getting games and drinks for whoever asked. They'll also help you out if you get stuck. There called game gurus, which is kind of  a fun title.

There isn't any flaws with the place, your adjacent to a movie theater above you and plenty of places to eat, the worst thing might be the parking lot, which was two bucks when I was there. The other is it's not close to better known areas in LA. It is right off the 405. Other than that it's a smashing success. Any type of gamer could like it there,young and old, also if your considering getting a game why not play it for thirty minutes or an hour before trying it?
I'm going back there to play in May, maybe some Prototype 2.