Monday, March 26, 2012

Game Night 9 Abobo's Big Night Out

Abobo's Big Adventure was a punch in the nuts fun at Giant Robot last Saturday Night March 24th. Roger Barr( I-Mockery, creator of Abobo's BA) was on hand with trivia on video games and was passing out Abobo masks, seen above. This was all thanks to Carlos Lopez (Angry Bananas) and Erik Nakamura (Giant Robot) and the other gaming greats of LA. Passersbys, gamers and fans all came out and either played outside on the big projector screen or inside, huddled around the art from the Diversions show. Can't leave out Dustforce was also playable and had game players dusting with park-our skills and martial art cleaning attacks. I'll have more video of the event later, see ya gamers!