Sunday, September 4, 2011


Singafest is an Asian film festival focusing on movies from Asian countries and the works of Asian Americans, it's taking place Sep 29-Oct 2 at the Bigfoot's Majestic Crest near UCLA. As you read in a earlier post, there will be a Sonny Chiba live event and martial arts demonstration, too.

Funny to dramatic, children's entertainment to bitter sadness, a full gambit of movies will be played with live events.

To find out more head to the Singafest main page and find what you like.

Here's the Facebook page


Below are some trailers playing at the festival that might spark your interest. "Getting Any?" looks pretty lewd and funny.

I remember hearing about Kidnapper a while ago. A tragic story about a ransom for a rich kid, however the kidnappers messed up and kidnapped the Chauffer's son. It also has to deal with how different classes are treated in Singapore.