The only other details I can give you about the collectors edition are in the fine print. It seems more than one is planned, because it's written in the release "full season collectors sets". It gets better "packed with an Ooo-full of special features for the adult fan."

So Cartoon Network has listened to it's fans. It has lowered priced DVDs that parents can just pop in for younger kids and collectors editions for the adult fan. What extras I wonder!
Totally Mathematical Cartoon Network!
I"ll be sure to get more info on the other DVD sets as more comes out. No idea if they"ll be Blu-ray. Just guessing, but I think they could fit the whole 3 seasons so far on one Blu-ray so it seem unlikely and not many CN shows get Blu-Rays, in fact it might only be Star Wars Clone Wars who even has Blu-rays.
Just to clarify that is not the DVD cover of Adventure Time "My Two Favorite People" at the top, but a rendition by Bad Studio who has worked on Cartoon Network and Adult Swim DVD art. Here's a really early concept for the AT DVD from them to the right.
Mighty Fine wants to know what shirts based on season 3 you want, I'm guessing Cake and Fionna will be the most asked for images embossed on t-shirts. Threadless finally has some AT shirts out B-Mo! and Don't Squeeze Me, I'll Fart!. I think they're a bit lackluster. The second shirts name doesn't make sense for a fan of the show, because it's really a line Starchy says in the zombie candy episode. It has nothing to do with the episode Jake was in Finn's pocket. Jake did end the episode by farting.
BTW the next new episode is Sep 26.
2-inch figure pic from ebay
I've been trying to get some previews of the Adventure Time toys coming out, for now here's Jazzwares site to see what you might like to get. Toys 'R' Us is having a sale on Adventure Time toys 25% off until October 8th, so you might want to get them now.
Shout outs to the The Adventure Time Wiki. A source of all things of Adventure Time. Frederated blogs including Adventure Time Art ,which is also the Adventure Time Blog and Adventure Time Fan Art for all the art and info. Mathematical, the recap and fan voice show, which at some times scares me.
Here's more footage of the Adventure Time Comic-con parties Cartoon Network had multiple times a day. I so want a fan appreciation day here in LA, just so this can happen here.