Friday, March 1, 2013

SyFy Kids? Yeah That's Not Gonna Work

Nothing to little has happened with the announced SyFy Kids deal between THQ and SyFy, wonder why... oh, wait yeah THQ just went bankrupt. Anyway the deal was already in place since 2010 and had nothing to show for it. Now SyFy is teaming up with KidsCo from Toronto to bring other shows over, yet has no titles announced. It's another brave move for NBC Universal's ever failing media plans.

How about funding an American series that's not a reality show Sy-Fy or doing something like Black Mirror, oh you'll never put anything entertaining up again will you. I'll try Defiance, but that's it the rest of your slate is just garbage.

Want to mention De Blob, it was suppose to have a show on this kids venture, before the bankruptcy, so some where, some place there might be some episodes of De Blob.