Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Orson Scott Card Appearing At LA Festival of Books Comics Alliance Story Pending

Orson Scott Card, writer of soon to be film Ender's Game will be appearing at the LA Time Festival of Books. Comics Alliance has been covering the controversy around Scott writing a story for an upcoming Superman title. The controversy stems from Scott's views against gay marriage, making many comic book stores not wanting to carry his work, though nothing in the comic would share his view on gay marriage. This has been such bad press that the artist, Chris Spouse, who was suppose to do the story has chickened out of doing it just like Darren Aronofsky did on doing the film The Wolverine. Spouse is leaving, because he fears being associated with the project, though nothing at all within the Superman story is anti-anything. Aronofsky left because of the fears of the stability of Japan, and "to be with his family"...sure.

In either case, I suspect Comics Alliance to write something about Orson Scott Card attending the event and The Wolverine to not be as good as if Aronofsky directed. Even if he is a coward, he's a good director.