Tuesday, March 5, 2013

BlasterCON May 10-12

May 10-12, 2013
Warner Center Marriott in Woodland Hills, CA

I thought I'd mention this con again too. Seems like we have two new cons in LA trying after the lackadaisical Comikaze Expo. This has a lot more info than San Fern Con, but I'd still like to see whose coming or the exhibitors. I'll give updates on this too.

I wouldn't mind a mascot for this one and San Fern Con too.

BlasterCON is a three-day general SF/Fantasy convention, with a late-70s/80s retro attitude and an emphasis on practical effects: models, puppets, props, costumes and makeup.
Daytime Events: Vendors, Panels, Workshops, Laser Tag
Nighttime Events: Music, Blacklight Game Grid
24 Hour Events: Classic Arcade Games, Gaming, Cosplay

What else can you expect at BlasterCON?

The guiding principle of BlasterCON is that all things SF/Fantasy (and beyond) are welcome, but please understand that our priority is to start at the "Cambrian Explosion" set off by the first Star Wars films and build outward from there. If you want us to bring more of something, please let us know, but then be patient-- we'll probably get to it eventually.
Doctor Who
Out of respect for Gallifrey One which is three months ahead of us, we will wait for organic growth of Doctor Who fans in our attendee base before investing heavily in it. In the meantime, we will have panels like "Classic Doctor Who Wine Snobs Roundtable" -- if you get that title and want to be on the panel, please contact us :)
Although the term dates to the late 1980's and its roots go much deeper, our feeling is that the first iconic example of modern Steampunk is 1990's The Difference Engine. It would be one of the first things we look into as we expand into the 1990's, but out of respect for Gaslight Gathering (which moved to May 4th weekend for 2013) we'll monitor organic growth of Steampunk at BlasterCON and respond appropriately.