Thursday, June 12, 2014

LA Times Screws Up Nintendo Making PlayStations?

The LA Times has screwed up big with today's article on E3 titled Nintendo's white PlayStation 4 debuts. The article starts with, "Convention goers have taken their first look at Nintendo's "glacier  white" PlayStation 4". The Times has be known to punch out articles way too fast without fact-checking and this blemish is another in the papers lazy fast paced writing style that will be framed and put on my wall.

I love the sub-title or info box of Pac-Man becoming part of Super Smash Bros. in the article. Adding to the flimsy article, which should never have been written, since it seems it was cobbled together with a lack of purpose, was how female assassins weren't included in Assassin Creed Unity. There wasn't a hundred other features or stories to mention then how the development team of Unity didn't want to do the extra work to put in female character models? Way to go with some vague attempt to cover sexism in gaming LA Times.

You aren't Twitter LA Times, get your facts straight.

via Polygon