After countless days of waiting and reports from this very site the time has finally come for XLanes LA to open.
XLanes LA Grand Opening
May 17
3rd Floor Little Tokyo Galleria
333 S. Alameda St., #300 Los Angeles, CA 90013
Tel: 213.229.8910
Pay parking lot, but validation if you go to XLanes
So here's a rundown of the features, pay attention! 24 lanes of bowling goodness, 8 of which can be private. An arcade area of the newest arcade machines, over 100. For the gamers of the site that's a big deal, I mean we cover arcades in LA, that's a feature on the site. Now the mall has two arcades to check out. Nine billiard tables, a family style restaurant, sports bar and VIP rooms.

That's a lot of stuff, but I hear the place is huge and with plenty of places to eat after or before in the galleria your quite set for the area.
Check the site before the opening for some grand opening deals.