Friday, February 15, 2013

Don't Eat Lay's Chicken & Waffles and Cheesy Garlic Bread Chips

Fellow munchers of all things new in the supermarket, lend me your taste-buds! I'm sorry to report that Lay's attempt at new flavors is not a success. You're better off getting the original flavor than these two above. Chicken and Waffles and Cheesy Garlic Bread fall very short of expectations. A third I didn't attempt was Sriracha flavored chips.

Too much cheese and too much maple syrup. Chicken and Waffles suffers from an overpowering taste of maple syrup. As I tired these with others I noticed a convulsion of the face. The knowledge we gain with out word when we know someone doesn't like something. Cheesy Garlic Bread, which I like in its real form, just taste like too much cheese has been on top of your tongue.

Lay's could have played it safe and put these out in smaller bags so people could try them and not be left with so much waste. I can't think of giving any of these away to a friend without it being an insult.

Update:I've been informed there are smaller bags to try. I suggest getting those before getting the big bags.