Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cartoon Hype: Peter Ramsey Ruined Dreamworks, Brave Oscar

DreamWorks Animation is going to have some lay-offs thanks to the massive failure of Rise of the Guardians. It did extremely poorly. Director Peter Ramsey might be remembered for the annoyingly bad HP Envy commercials where he showed himself "creating" characters with his children, maybe he should have worked harder on the film instead of taking money from HP selling Windows 8 garbage. Now the people who so dillgently worked under him will be fired due to his lack of vision.

Though some people mark the occasion in an intersting light by bringing up the fact he is the first big-budget animated African-American director, I'd rather he be remembered that he worked on both Tank Girl and the first American Godzilla movie. Those two films being on his resume should have stopped him from being a big feature director.

The other big problem for DreamWorks is an upcoming film with the voice of a SNL cast member, Bill Hader, other wise known as the guy who doesn't talk during South Park writing meetings via the South Park doc. It will also be voiced by Josh Gad, which I wrote about early with his curse of 1600 Penn to NBC's already terrible schedule.

Jeffrey Katzenberg or the bag guy from Disney documetaries broke the bad news, but did anyone see him at the Oscars, what happened? He's bald, but had a baid haircut. If you were watching the Oscars Sunday, you might have noticed Brave won for animated feature, yeah I know it should have been Wreck-It Ralph, but you may have wondered why a woman got up when she wasn't called. That was Brenda Chapman who Natalie and I met briefly at the Annie Awards. Now why they might have not called out her name is because she gave up her role on being director of the movie and Mark Andrews took over. So they were co-directors on it and maybe someone in the Academy resented that.

What I want to explain is I don't want Peter Ramsey or Brenda Chapman to be celebrated for what they did in future speeches or ceremonies. Peter Ramsey was the first African-American big budget animated director, but his film did so poorly it caused layoffs in his company. Brenda Chapman is the first woman to recieve an Oscar as a female director for an animated film, first female Pixar director too, but had disagreements over her film with her company and did not finish her work. If anyone brings up what they did with some sort of amazement or as an argument of us growing as a culture tell them to shut up. In the history books their names should have apostrophes by them.

Now we wait for Rebecca Sugar's show as she's the first female cartoon director for Cartoon Network.