Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Space Invader Black Cat People Mr. Men Show Post

Jon Gibson is a man who likes to post things on Facebook, he also runs IAM8BIT Gallery which recently had a Mr. Men Show Art Show, check out some pictures of it below. Jon recently posted on Facebook on how a former Space Invader piece on Sunset was taken down by vandals. A Polygon writer picked up on it to have a very luke-warm story on it with little to do with video games.

The first sentence of the article is very misleading as it made me think there was some sort of gang called the Black Cats.

"When Los Angelenos saw that the Invader had been destroyed, passers-by assumed it was the work of the Black Cat people."

Read the whole article here

The Black Cat people are not some cat burglary team, which would have made the story a hell of lot more interesting, but the owners of the restaurant "Black Cat" where the Invader was.

In more meaningless trivia on the artist Space Invader, who puts up Space Invaders around different cities in the world, he had a book due out about a year ago for all his work, but decided not to have it come out until he compiled more places. Secondly, he made a special waffle machine to make Space Invader waffles for a show in France.

Mr. Men Show