Take a gander at the TCL Chinese Theater's IMAX Renovation, you can start watching films this weekend with the Wizard of Oz in 3D.
The Act of Killing continues it's run at the Downtown Independent all the way until Oct 3rd.
A doc you haven't seen before where murderers go over their stories of genocide like their having an enjoyable breakfast together. Very surreal moments about the people who did some of them most heinous crimes and how they live their lives. Add to that moments mimicking people's murders through artistic means like dance numbers.

Sept. 20th-26th:
Fri, Sept. 20th: 7:30*, 9:30*
Special Q&A with Director Dennis Iliadis and actor Logan Miller following the Fri, 9/20 7:30pm screening and a special introduction to the 9:30pm screening*
Downtown Independent
I mentioned the free screening for this one at USC a week ago and now it has a theater run. Time travel at a college party and a break-up that might not break. Time-clones are not to be trifled with. New sci-fi to get lost in.
Sept 20-26
The Cinefamily
Kid-Thing starts its run Friday with the Zellner Bros is person for the first showing. A young kid takes there place in the world by being annoying jerk until met with responsibility at a crossroads.

Saturday, September 21st 1pm
LA Makerspace
Filmmaking Club part of LA Makerspace is trying to show off drone cameras. Below is one of the most boring videos to get excited about such a club.
Lost & Found at the Movies
Friday, September 20, 2013 7:30 pm
Los Angeles Public Library
A new program from the Library Foundation it's host will be showing some of the stuff from the deep corridors of the library and discuss writing about film.

Actor Steve Cardenas ("Rocky DeSantos"/"The Red Ranger") will appear in person for an intro
Friday, September 20 midnight
Nuart Theatre
A special showing of the Power Rangers movie.
The American Cinematheque as usual has some special screenings

Sat, Sep 21, 2013
Kind of amazed Jerry Beck isn't involved with this in some way. Though the top cartoon guy might not be there you can see Chuck Jones family.
Egyptian Theatre
Sun, Sep 22, 2013
Los Angeles Premiere! Werner Herzog In Person!

Aero Theatre
Fri, Sep 20, 2013
Discussion following the film with actor Gunnar Hansen (Leatherface), moderated by writer-director Mick Garris.