Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Cameras Don't Work For LAPD

The LA Times has a great article bringing to light how pathetic the management of video cameras by the LAPD is. Apparently the six that are up in Little Tokyo were never even plugged in. Other problems include the equipment that controls the cameras being kept in a closet like room, so it overheats. Some cameras were given to the LAPD by the communities they were put in. This is some of the saddest newsI've ever heard due to laziness and stupidity. The LAPD could just fucking asked people for help, there's so many boring people with nothing better to than figure out computer problems in this city that would have loved to help out/

I can't believe in the capital of camera equipment the LAPD can't properly control a camera with a joystick.

LA Times also shows idiocy by the Sheriff's department with wrong arrests due to ID errors with people going to jail for having similar names to criminals.