New York and Seattle get lucky soon, each getting high end video game art shows. The 3NES Show taking place at the Bottleneck Gallery holds favor to the three iconic game series of the NES with Mario, Zelda and Metroid. Chogrin of the Autumn Society is behind the show with the local New York Gallery.
The 3NES Show is at the Bottleneck Gallery in Brooklyn, opens September 6th.
Here's some pieces found online
Drew Wise's Koopa’s Castle, Planet Zebes, & Tree Dungeon |
Jorsh Pena three untitled pieces
Kotaku's coverage
Fan Gamer X Attract Mode
X and Y" by Maré Odomo
Phoenix Returns by Nina ‘Space Coyote’ Matsumoto
Fan Gamer X Attract Mode is happening in Seattle andis a bit different with an entrance fee, but you're getting music and food so it makes sense. Being right near PAX helps also.
Big list of well known artist from Fan Gamer and Attract Mode's past. Fangamer X Attract Mode starts Aug 31 at 1927 Events in Seattle.
25 Most Wanted Villains by Dominique Ferland