New Interactive Frontiers in Leisure Facilities Innovative Digital Interactive Experiences
- In Amusement Parks, Video Arcades, Location Based Entertainment Centers, Movie
Theaters, Museums, Hotels, Nightclubs, Shopping Malls, Stores, Restaurants, Bars, and many other venues!
Main Conference Oct 2nd, 2012 with Special Half-Day Program Oct 3rd, 2012
Then right after is IndieCade 2012 with the main festival day being Oct 6th. "The IndieCade Festival is the only stand-alone independent-focused game event in the nation. It is open to the industry and to the public. Events include a festival workshops, keynotes, and family-focused activities, meet-and-greets with game creators, hands-on gameplay with a GameWalk and big games, and numerous social events. "
I've been covering IndieCade for a a few years and each years something new entertains. Last year I saw people playing a kissing racer, where people had to really kiss each other. Before that I played a real world quest game. From cards, apps, indie games, mods and real life IndieCade is something you shouldn't pass up. Oh, man I loved making the sock puppets and going on a quest.