Let us never forget Prismo and that the AT staff hire up and coming comedians for minor roles in the show. You went out like you lived Prismo, being killed horribly by the Lich or techinally ceasing to exist while being woken up by the Lich and you're human body being killed by him.
Here's some Finn hand art making it's way online

Saturday, May 17, 2014 from noon till 2:00 p.m
Collector’s Paradise
7131 Winnetka Ave, Winnetka, CA 91306
For little kids who love the Adventure Time comics, don't be weird Otaku and come if you're an adult, on that same thought TTDILA will probably be there to cover what happens and will be sad we can't make are own mini-comic.
Press Release:
Nothing says “fun” like drawing, and the smash cartoon hit Adventure Time! So Hero Initiative and the West Valley Family YMCA are teaming up for a kid-centric Adventure Time Art Day, sponsored by KaBOOM!, publishers of the Adventure Time comic book! The event takes place on Saturday, May 17, 2014 from noon till 2:00 p.m. at Collector’s Paradise!
For $25, kids will get:
• Art lessons from REAL comic book artists!
• Your OWN real mini-comic book drawing board and crayons!
• An Adventure Time issue wrapped in a Get-a-Sketch cover with an original sketch from one of our artists!
• One piece of pizza and drink!
This special event is for the under-18 crowd, but parents are CERTAINLY invited to hang out and watch their kids have a great time as well! Space is limited, so we strongly suggest getting your tickets in advance, available right now and ONLY at Collector’s Paradise.
Artists in attendance will include Hannah Nance Partlow (Adventure Time: Candy Capers) and Kassandra Heller (Adventure Time), and MORE! Don’t miss it!
- Waht Boom's special con editons of the Adventure Time comics look like