Friday, October 5, 2012

Knott's Scary Farm 40th Haunt Experts of Horror

 Good Evening,

I'm afraid to inform you Editor and Head Writer for Things To Do In LA, Jonathan Bilski, has passed on, with his passing I Senior Writer James Cohen will take over in his place. It seems he died a most horrifying death from fear at this year's Knott's Scary Farm. Though I am plagued by his death I will write about it in the Murder LA section which will be expanded not modestly. Jonathan's passing saddens... oh I can't. Hey readers, watchers, commenters and that guy who keeps leaving horrible messages to me from Nor-Cal, it's me the still living Jonathan. Last weekend I ventured to Knott's and below is my recount of events from last Saturday's Haunt at Knott's.

Knott's Scary Farm Halloween Haunt 40th

Gosh golly, I had a hoot at the old farm, but, no, I really did. As I passed the smell of Knott's fine chicken I stepped into the night and was greeted by old friends like: the evil huge clown twin sisters, dead cowboy, and person missing parts of his face. As I greeted, or in a better sense was horrified by them popping up out of the smoke and darkness it made me feel like it was Halloween night or I was stuck in a really bad part of town.

4 new mazes and one private maze at $60 value were in the park as well as some old favorites that have moved around. I went on everyone one of them except Virus Z. Just to tell you, with the lines, you can probably get through every maze and every ride in the park if you make it on opening time. 4 was also the number of how many times I went on Big Bear Rapids. Rides like that can be ridden year-round, except the Evil Dead log ride.

Yes, Evil Dead is the log ride theme. It was a bit early to have this out. The reboot film isn't out yet and even though I'm a fan of the films it would have been better to see the new movie first. Last year's Headless Horsemen themed ride was better looking. Sure, having someone swing and chainsaw for an arm as you go down a waterslide is nice, but the design was just better last year. Still going on the log ride at night or the Ghost Rider is a bit more thrilling than doing it in the daytime.

Let's go maze hunting! Delirium, Fallout Shelter and Slaughterhouse stand the test of the time. Inflated puffy walls in Delirium, don't go away, please be incorporated into a longer maze.  Endgames and the Terror of London need to move on in the afterlife. The Terror of London is comical at best with British culture being scary, yet I didn't see any horrible teeth ghoul. Dia De Los Muertos is getting kind of old too. It's a nice 3D maze with Mexican culture themed horrors, but it needs to be updated. Virus Z has Carrie in it this year for some reason, so you can relive that ending prom scene. No idea how that got put in, but I guess they couldn't think of how to incorporate it into anything else, maybe do a horror-filled high school maze next year Knotts.

What was updated or made new were four new mazes including:

Pinocchio Unstrung-
A murderous Pinocchio needs your parts, like skin to make himself a real boy. Knott's went heavy with murderous marionettes and corpses held up by strings. You somewhat follow Pinocchio's story with sections covering a place for bad children to go, mostly cages, you get swallowed by some sort of sea creature, not a whale, but you're still going through it's innards. You'll want to go through it twice in case you missed something the first time. Just some great ways to horrify child hood memories.

Trick or Treat-

This was my favorite of the park this year. Featuring a Haunted House and a jack-o lantern tree out-front I felt this was the most creative of the mazes this year. You start off by actually ringing the doorbell or whoever is lucky enough to be in front of your group. It's a good way to pace people coming in. After the doorbell chimes you're entering a remarkable remake of a Haunted House. I'd like to just throw a party in this one.

As young boys wearing the same shirt ask you for candy you start figuring out the Witch has been keeping all her Trick or Treaters. Passing through bedrooms and a Halloween party give plenty of chances for you to be looking somewhere you shouldn't and being frightened for letting you eyes wander. I hope it can be expanded next year, it's shorter than other mazes in the park, but it used so many effects like a falling chandelier and a spell being cast that I give it best maze title for Knotts this year.

Dominion of the Dead-
Like walking through the Twilight movie series, that's the best way I could describe it. Vampires in this maze seem to be very high cultured even if their art is gruesome and their orchestral instruments are made of spines. I'd rather like to lounge about it this maze then be scared in it. This is one for the ladies as it isn't as disgusting or brutal to look at

Trapped- From what I've heard online if you're really into mazes it worth it. Parties of 6 enter and must perform certain tasks to move forward in the maze, these task will most likely be disgusting. It's $60, however you pay for 6 people in your group, including yourself. So, 10 extra bucks for everyone in your group and it seems like a pretty good deal. This does get sold out so,  maybe tell everyone to pitch in ahead of time or buy it for them and be a player, not a monster hater.

For those who want to relax there are multiple shows to see. I recommend Zamora's Sideshow of Torture, but Ed Alonzo has a Vegas quality magic show, the dude has worked for Britney Spears and Madonna for stage acts.

I kind of wish wait times were posted, but Knott's doesn't have any digital signage. They also don't have a numbered/sectioned parking lot. You'd think they'd have sections based on Peanuts characters, but they don't. It'll cost you $20 to park, so maybe just buy it ahead of time.

Knott's does trounce Universal when compared to food. There's a much wider selection in the park, still more than you'd pay on the outside,but they have a bakery even. I suggest get the meal deal with your passes for the park if you want to save.

Knott's is an expert in horror with 40 years of experience and it shows. It has the most mazes per theme park or any other horror event in the  LA area. It's use of giant robots for the finishing touches on some mazes will knock you out, they really show off their expertise here. Being met by a giant two head mutant or a evil gigantic puppet really makes your night a bit more scary.

Get to Knott's before October ends.

Thanks for the passes Leidy!