Tuesday, October 9, 2012

IndieCade 2012: Went There Report

Did you get your game on this weekend over in Culver City? Well, did ya, huh, some of you did others spent time alone just playing games. Well, if you stayed at home instead of going outside to play video games you really should just think about staying in doors forever. As I heard someone saying "I should be on 4Chan right now, I missed some quests" , I realized almost everyone came outside and got some sunlight.

There were plenty of Indie games to try. I don't just mean video and pc games, there were board games, card games, late-nite games, games with tiny robots, invisible games and big group social games. They had something for everyone.

As none of the games I cared for won any award here's a list of who won at IndieCade.

IndieCade expanded this year, why even Phil Fish featuring a new style of hair was amazed at how much it's grown. He also explained to me he no longer does interviews, because everyone destroys his words. Except, the fine folks over at Indie Game: The Movie, who my friend Matt Hawkins hates at a strange level for not explaining how an indie game is made on a technical level.

Expansion was everywhere as the event grew in a smaller area this year. Instead of being at random spots around downtown Culver City it was in only two for locations for me, maybe a bar for others. Even if the digital selects section needs to have more room next year or just open space, because my g-d we were hot gamers crammed into a tent too small for us all. Please Mr. IndieCade look into you heart and let gamers be free to enjoy their games in a spacey ventilated area.

Sony also stepped up showing off a bunch of DLC titles and games to actually play on Vita. They might be in a good fight for the 3DS if they keep pumping out titles like the ones I saw in their booth.

 I feel it's on the tip of becoming a huge event with a lot more corporate sponsorship, the IndieCade site itself saying it's the Sundance of video games.

Over the next week or so I'll be jamming out content on the event. There was a lot, so will have to see how much I can get it out.

I just wanted to add that it's always a pleasure to attend as it expands the gaming community in LA. I consider it one of the best of events of the LA year to go out and just game. Games can have deep stories, they can be a shooter sci-fi clones I've seen a million times, but they sure as Hell needs to be fun to the player and that's what IndieCade brings to Culver City and the rest of the Los Angeles area. Hats off to you IndieCade! Always try and do the most outlandish event you can and let more people come into! Grow, damn you, grow!