He and cast went over the many repeated times question of the creation of the show from a short film called, "Charlie has Cancer. And how Danny DeVito joined the cast after watching a season.
"We got into a fight today," Charlie said. The collaborative of the show is the same for the same main three stars of Charlie, Glen and Rob since they started. They had a fight over the words "got" and "have" , while writing an episode for the twelfth season. That's the detail they go into on what people are saying in an episode. It's not as much as improv as you think. Danny and Kaitlin just might add their twist to what they've been given, but the trio explained how detailed they are in writing a script. Charlie said, "No one of us could actually sit down and write and episode of the show, because of the process of opinions that every episode goes through."
When asked about where they get ideas from, Glen answered, "For me, it's NPR. I'm not even kidding, I don't read a lot of news. I don't watch the news, it's f*cking trash, but NPR I like."
Soon after, a question from online over the types of sacks relating to genitals were asked. That's right, what's funnier, nut sack or ball sack? This became a heated debate with more terms for one's nuts or adding to the term sack to make it funnier.
When asked about how far Danny DeVito would go as Frank he told Weiner "...were looking forward to f*ck you up," on how crazy Frank will get in the upcoming season. Later, he answered a question about lending his voice to a video game franchise, Detective Pikachu, you can read more about it here.

Asked by the audience, a question of how to end the show and give the cast and true ending was answered by Glen with a definitive yes. There's a plan in place to end the show if it is ever cancelled. Let's hope that it remains funny enough to keep it up and that's a long ways off.
All photos courtesy of Paley Center for Media