Wednesday, June 24, 2015

E3 2015 Extra

The section of extra photos from E3. We showcase some of the sights. One being this perfect model Arwing over the Nintendo Booth.
 Free capes for those who completed the Fable Legends demo.

 Lara Croft model waiting by her mountain.
 Some stands for you amiibo's and 3DS games.
 Pff, Blast Ball.
 The greatest booth at E3 was Capcom's and it wasn't for their game it was for their limited photo capture booth that grabbed you pulling of a killer move on Street Fighters.

 I like wooden coffee table version's better.
 Showing the most innovention as  always was the IndieCade corner of E3 showcasing games that might be one day swept up by Sony or Xbox.

Guitar Hero gave you you're own mini concert stage to win a t-shirt.