Friday, March 27, 2020

Otaku Culture: Learn About Japanese Culture From Some Guy Named Galbraith

Patrick W. Galbraith that is.

He is one of our favorite writers on Japanese culture or essentially the nerdy fan aspects of it. We've interviewed him before and like his studious nature. He analyzes anime at a college level and his newest book Otaku and the Struggle for Imagination in Japan can be downloaded or picked up on Amazon right now.

We thought we'd remind everyone about his work as many of us our stuck indoors. And when things settle down you might want to visit Japan or at least dream of it, like so many people born in the 80's, 90's and early 2000's.

In his latest look at the inner workings of the ever elusive Otaku we get a breakdown of how we think of them and we might want to remember that they're still people, not just nerd memes. But, yes, a lot of the things they do or go nerd out over can be very strange. And, at first I thought about titling this Otaku Culture: Learn About Japanese Culture Before It Goes Extinct Due To Low Fertility Rates. Because we don't think of them getting any.

Patrick isn't like us, he gives thoughtful information explaining what it means to be an Otaku and more in depth information on what we might consider weird Otaku culture. Y'know the stuff we read and watch on the Internet about super fandom.

But, it doesn't stop there. He has; probably my favorite of his work and can't wait for an updated, The Otaku Encyclopedia, explaining every word uttered on the Internet in a charming, on all the phrases you wondered about from anime or 4chan in a bit-sized book.

Then you have The Moe Manifesto, trying to capture the love of anime girls and a look inside Otaku's homes in Otaku Spaces. A wide selection on all the things that our Anime Expo loving friends in the East buy, watch and play. And know you can read about the addiction to to those things they have, because you kind of have them too.