Thursday, March 19, 2020

Not That Much To Do, But Stream

If you've kept up with the news, the latest isn't for the best for a site called Things To Do In LA. We're gonna mostly be sharing streaming, reading and playing for the rest of the month as some new mandatory effects have come into view.

Both the Mayor and Governor have dealt us with staying at home unless it's essential to go out. What that means is essentially almost everything fun is dead. At least outside your house.

What you can and can't do right now is shared here in this actually really easy to follow guide.

“Safer At Home”: What You Need to Know

Our favorite part of the Can Do section might be how cyclist scum are still allowed to go outside.
"Take a walk, ride your bike, hike, jog and be in nature for exercise — just keep at least six feet between you and others in the community."

There's the same news from the Governor over at The LA Times, but you might be hit with a paywall.

So, as many planned already stay inside, catch up on some past posts. Chill and watch some movies we suggest.