Wednesday, March 11, 2020

E3 2020 Cancelled

Thanks, Obama! E3 has been cancelled. The giant video game trade show is another event taken out due to the fears of the Coronavirus. The people behind E3, the ESA officially announced that the event has been cancelled.

Now, we're just speculating, but maybe this was an easy out for the ESA as E3 might have been one said affair this year with weird red flags happening with nothing having to do with the Coronavirus including: no Sony, limited Nintendo presence & iam8bit and Geoff Keighley pulling out of helping with the show. iam8bit was suppose to run E3 as its creative director, so probably fun stuff on the show floor. They pulled out after a month of working with the ESA and gave no real reason why.

Still, E3 is a major video game event. We remeber waiting on our phones or computers to hear the latest or to see who screws up the most.

And it pulled in a ton of visitors to LA. That's another big hit for LA's tourism revenue and game developers networking.

It's still a shame. Let's hope E3 can come back stronger and better next year.

via ArsTechnia