Schedule what you want to see.
I've only picked some of the shows that peeked my interest. Look at there site for the horror you want.
The Cinefamily is busting with Halloween goodness this year. Every night of October seems filled with horror.
<--Is imminent child rape upon you... no, no it's not. It's actually called Deep Red, but it looks like artist Jordan Crane was having fun with the picture for The Cinefamily newsletter.
The one's to look out for.
10/8 @ 10:00pm
Mutant Girls Squad (L.A. premiere!)shown with
Alien Vs. Ninja (L.A. premiere!)Co-presented by Giant Robot
After doing well at the New York Asian Film Festival Mutant Girls Squad and Alien Vs. Ninja heads to LA. Giant Robot must be taking something back from New York as they sadly shut down their New York store(economy?). Just shown at Fantastic Fest.
Mutant Girl Squad is from some of the people who brought you Tokyo Gore Police and Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl. It's in the same genre of overdoing it horror meets Japan values of story writing. IT WILL BE INSANE. Three high school girls transform into gross as Hell looking mutants to kill other mutants.
Alien Vs, Ninja looked boring to me, but it seems the title alone has gotten people interested.
Don't see
10/16 @ 10:00pm
Chester Turner Tribute Night:
Black Devil Doll From Hell
I saw a clip from Doug Benson's Hallowen show at the UCB. This is so terrible I recommend not seeing it. I just wanted to bring up how bad it is. The movie has the doll rape a fat woman. It isn't comical, because it's just gross and poorly down. It's like a f-up home movie. That's the quality of the film, if somebody just taped weird stuff they were into,
Black Devil Doll From Hell stars Shirley L. Jones as a Bible-thumping virgin who buys a creepy, dreadlocked dummy at a thirft store, to find that it walks, talks and is ready to bust a nut. After an astonishingly extended and awkwardly artificial rape sequence, our poor heroine is unable to find another “man” to satisfy her. Trust us, you won’t be prepared enough for this grimy, foul and incredibly quotable taboo-buster!
10/25 @ 8pm / Series: Comedy Death-Ray
Brian Posehn presents:
The Blob and
10/27 @ 8:00pm
Doug Benson's Movie Interruptions:
October show!
These two comedians bring the Halloween funny. Brian Poshen voice of the Robot on Sym-Bionic Titan makes you laugh at his nerd wails. Stoner king Doug Benson makes you laugh by just talking crazy and whatever's on his mind. Brian bring you The Blob and Doug might be doing a Halloween show again. I saw them at the same time at the UCB for a Halloween show I'll always remember. Sadly, there on different nights.
10/29 @ 8:00pm
Cinefamily's 100 Most Outrageous Kills!

10/30 @ 8:00pm
Cinefamily Heavy Metal Halloween Party & Fundraiser
(feat. Trick or Treat)
10/31 @ 6:00pm
House On Haunted Hill
shown with
The Tingler
Last years Tingler didn't tingle as the machine broke down and now tingles happened. Hopefully, then can get it to work, but Hell Vincent Price is scary enough to give you a tingle.