Wednesday, October 2, 2013

IndieCade 2013: Big Games, eSports Games and Night Games

IndieCade 2013 Reminder*

Use coupon code CELEBRATE by Oct 12 at noon to save 25% on the festival wristband.

Even though many of these games look like fun, many might not work and no matter what photography you see on other sites almost all will play like cr*p. Not all, but many will.

I hope to hear news from the LA Game Space at the event. A new arcade bar EightyTwo might want to make an appearance at IndieCade too. They'll be in the same area in the downtown art district.

You should look to see what Sony and Nintendo have there, though the IndieCade site doesn't have details on what there presence might be. Sony is there to get indie games on their system, they have a full try-out session to show-off your indie work.

The Oculus Rift my be demoed, be on the look out for it.

- Where Indie Game Producers Come Out to Play
The New York Times took notice of IndieCade, I'm sure you'll see news about it from LA Weekly and LA Times soon enough, over hyping a lot of it.

Love this silly pic
-StreetPass @ IndieCade
Sunday, October 6 at 2:00pm
Outside Nintendo's booth

Below is a break down of the big events schedule, but explore IndieCade's site yourself

Big Games
- outdoor physical multiplayer games that are simply too big to be played sitting down.

eSports Games
-competitive games

The iam8bit Entertainment System will be making an appearance in this showcase.

Tabletop Games

The Metagame returns, more meta than before and not just about video games. Check out the new expansion/edition.

Night Games

Some strange ones to look out for, The Hearst Collection  has you going through a laser maze. A giant monster city smasher game in Monster Stomp.

Papers Please, the immigration inspector game set in the 80's. It's fun being a bureaucrat or at least playing one.