Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Halloween Update: United States of Horror Contest

The Cinefamily is having another horror watch-a-thon contest! Can you watch a horro movie every night of October. Winner gets to program a midnight movie!

 Horror Schedule

“UNITED STATES OF HORROR” WATCH-A-THON CONTEST! Who among you thinks they have what it takes to sit through 30 midnights in a row of our cross-country death trip? Who will arrive alive at the finish line, after sojourning across the highways of hell on Route 666?? We’re talking to you, sucka! Here’s your chance to prove your mettle, and become King (or Queen) of the Damaged Brains. Whomever sits through the highest number of fully completed United States of Horror screenings this October and becomes 1ST PLACE WINNER will receive the chance to guest-program an upcoming Cinefamily midnight movie!"