Thursday, October 3, 2013

Game Hype: Ingress Oct 12 and League of Legends Oct 4

Operation #13Magnus for Ingress is taking place somewhere in LA October 12.

"Ingress is a massively multiplayer location-based game for Android which transforms neighborhoods, cities and the world into an interactive experience filled with mystery, intrigue, and adventure.  Players move through and explore the real world, visiting historical sites, park, and public artworks to discover hidden 'Portals' leaking a mysterious power into our dimension.  The evolving story of Ingress will shift and pivot based on the actions of the players of the two factions, the 'Enlightened' and the 'Resistance', who are engaged in an struggle for global control and the fate of humanity. Ingress is currently in beta and has seen over 1 million player activations around the world. For more information on Ingress visit:"

The League of Legends finals will be taking place in the Staples Center Oct 4. It's sold-out, so you can walk by and see others enjoy all the fun. Hey, you can check out IndieCade too that weekend, sweet for gamers in the city.