Included with Museum admission (tickets at the door): $10 General; $7 Seniors and Full-Time Students; $5 Children 2–12; Free to Members and Children under 2; Free to all on Thursdays
the two exhibits ZAP! POW! BAM! The Superhero: The Golden Age of Comic Books and
Lights, Camera, Action: Comic Book Heroes of Film and Television
or really two rooms filled with comic memorabilia give a extremely boring outlook of comic books and their history tied to America. I'm saddened by how the two exhibits had little to no thought or time put into them. The worst being Lights, Camera, Action: Comic Book Heroes of Film and Television where all these great props from superhero tv shows and movies are crammed into a small room .
Switching to the
ZAP! POW! BAM! The Superhero: The Golden Age of Comic Books exhibit. Its look seemed strange and out of order. There was no real timeline or explanation of the comic industry.
The main exhibit was more in depth, having classic pieces of art and sketches up, some are so strange and silly it shows how wide people's imagination could be in the early years of the industry.
Yes, he's Yankee Doodle Jones
It makes me sad with all the sketches and stuff available they put together such a pathetic exhibit, I'm sure they could of asked a ton of comic book people in LA for help, what a shame. The shows not a total wash out there is some great stuff here I just suggest coming on Thursday and not paying admission, parking is free.
Here's some more pieces they had.
Just look how Joker is represent on the cover as a huge and strange threat. Just compare the size of Batman on this sketch to Joker who looks extremely adversarial and intimidating. I love this piece.
There was a section for little kids to learn to draw comics under the insane view of the Joker. Really small kids could even try on super hero costumes and watch some old serials of superheroes.