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Friday, January 3, 2014

LA Links: New Year's Day 2, Sorry Mr. Clowes

Daedelus needs his gear back from New Year's Eve. The music meister you've seen featured in dozens of events around the city had his special gear stolen from the Grand Park's New Year's Eve party, proving yet again that security sucked and should not be hired next year.

Daedelus offers reward, no questions asked, for return of gear stolen (or lost) at New year’s Eve show

Shia Labeouf acts more and more strange after making a short film based on comic artist Daniel Clowes work without paying him nor saying it was based on his work. Then he apologized on Twitter, but the apology was someone else's. So then he wrote an apology to Clowes in LA's sky.

Update: Comics Alliance just informed Clowes doesn't even live in LA, but in Oakland. So why even...? Labeouf, you crazy!

Shia LaBeouf you're a weird guy and a terrible actor.

Shia LaBeouf sends out more plagiarized apology tweets to Daniel Clowes