As a note to myself I should remember to watch where I'm going and to look out for traffic. Your 14% more likely to die on your birthday than any other day?
Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ World Premiere
April 11
Egyptian Theatre
Egyptian Theatre
10:30am Red Carpet
12:30pm Screening and Q&A
12:30pm Screening and Q&A
$20 Sold Out
The world premiere of the newest DBZ film, featuring the resurrection of too-many-transformations Frieza. For the DBZ fan...this is one of the most ultimate experience you could ponder! Sold out the day tickets went on sale, the event will be nothing short of amazing as only the anime Magica Madoka has had the special treatment at the Egyptian that DBZ is going to get. A special red carpet event hosted by Toei Animation and Funimation precedes the event.
Not Going

April 8-12
ArcLight Hollywood
Price Varies
This festival is filled with dramas and documentaries out of India showing the hard work of their industry. I like comedies, horror and action above all else and that's simply not on their menu this year. Remember to always pick a film the broad audience of LA can enjoy, IFF.
First Fridays
April 10
Natural History Museum
One of the most charming events in LA. A night to explore the museum with boith critcial anyalsis with guest speakers and than rocking out to killer music.
Peter Kareiva, Chief Scientist and Vice President of the Nature Conservancy, will be the guest speaker; White Fence and Cherry Glazerr will be performing in the North American Mammal Hall; and two KCRW favorites, Raul Campos and Anthony Valadez, will be in the DJ Lounge. Nerd Brigade, a group of diverse nerds, will be on hand to answer a wide array of your science questions.
Boobs & Goombas: A Super Mario Burlesque
Opens April 10- May 16
Fridays and Saturdays at 9pm & 10:30pm
The Complex
6476 Santa Monica Boulevard, Hollywood, California 90038
Yes, this should be right up my ally, it's burlesque and video games, that's some of the first content this site gave you. On top of that it's Mario and Luigi. I love the idea, the execution... is like an execution. Ladies act a strange scenario in the Mushroom Kingdom that won't fit the standards brought to us by Pokemon the Musical. I loved Pokemon the Musical. This show has been going on for years and maybe just for being "that" Mario fan I should go.
Mario and Luigi have become so perpetually frustrated by their endless pursuit of the Princess that everything they see has started to look like a beautiful, sexy woman-- even their most dangerous enemies! This sexy burlesque romp is a send-up of the famous Mario Bros. video games. Join us to discover whether the world's most adventurous plumbers will finally rescue the Princess and consummate years of amorous toil, or be seduced along the way by their alluring enemies. Don't forget to bring a few "coins" (or dollars) for tips... If the cast collects enough coins along the way, the audience will unlock the alternate ending!!!
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn Midnight Screening!
April 10
Vista Theatre
4473 Sunset Drive
Los Angeles, CA
Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spock is dead!
One of my favorite movies of all time, just because of that line and mind worms. I've seen it so much, seeing it again might make me feel like I have mind worms. They encourage cosplay, so dress up like a zombie Spock and other inappropriate ideas in memory of are fallen Vulcan friend. Live long and prosper!
Something to freak you and I out!
Leonard Nimoy in conversation with Kristy Edmunds:
Mapping an Artist's Journey
April 10
Royce Hall
Obviously cancelled because he's dead, much more creepier if they went with a sci-fi plot and he came back, but just as a brain.
Flagship Geek & Sundry International TableTop Day Party
April 11-6pm
Geek & Sundry
2525 N Naomi St
Burbank, CA 91504
Will Wheaton (Star Trek, freaky) and the beloved by nerds Felicia Day will most likely be at the party, they don't go out of there way saying they are. Geek & Sundry studios will be open to the public on this day like some sort of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory situation, replaced with board games. Promises of special prizes and celebrities stopping by don't sway me. A nice day out celebrating board games...not video games.