Monday, July 7, 2014

Oculus Rift at Anime Expo Special Exclusive Demos

The Oculus Rift wowed Anime Expo fans with two short exclusive demos. They were both based on the popular anime series Sword Art Online and both specifically created to be shown at Anime Expo. A short fight experience was created by Namco Bandai where you fight an enemy with the help of a young woman. When you think your about to get sliced and lose your life your saved by the heroine. The other exclusive demo was from Kadokwa, you find yourself with a sleeping girl. Using your eyes, you can select through an options menu to help her or leave her be. Those who were a bit more naughty could try and peer at her panties, where they were stopped by a black bar with "protected" blocking their view.

Both demos were very short and showed the potential of the system. Graphically neither created photo-realist worlds, but entertaining ones at the very least.