Monday, July 7, 2014

A Thousand Little Lights: Fourth of July In LA's Tallest Building

Fourth of July was a different look from the tallest building in Los Angles. The US Bank Tower in downtown LA had hundreds of  citizens celebrating July 4th looking over the city. Every area of the city was open up to their sight and a clear view of Grand Park's fireworks never made it above the tower.

Looking down on the city, seeing a sunset from a height where the entire city was the backdrop began the evening at the OUE Space on the 71st floor of the US Bank Tower A tower so high you need to switch elevators to get to the top.

Open for the first time to the public for the fourth of July celebrating those attending listened to live music and danced while watching a 360 degree angle of all of LA for one night when fireworks filled the streets below.

The lights poured over the city. Perspective wise you could see fireworks happening as far as the Rose Bowl. Flashing bright lights with rainbows of colors sprang up throughout the metropolis in all directions of LA. The view is so high at the tower your looking down at the fireworks. They looked miniscule in the distance. All so many springing up from avenue to avenue.

The Grand Park fireworks show barely made it to below our feet at the tower. Just a few blocks away the closes fireworks display that had an even bigger audience was small in scale compared to our height. Mere sparkles came in and out of view with Grand Park's blast being the most noticeable.

The realization that fireworks don't fly that that high up was startling as they barely came off the ground from out height.

Jonathan Brndk gave up his tickets to a masquerade for the show, "It gave us a different perspective, " he said. His girlfriend Hideko E. added, "It was a cool family event."

Families, couples, the elderly and kids were all celebrating the fourth above the city to a live DJ. Hot dogs, sodas and fruity ice cream bars were part of the package for the party and gobbled up as selfies were shot to the backdrop of tall buildings.

Clara W., another attendee said, "All the decorations are great, " referring to the balloons, and American flags put up in the unique high space. While waiting in line with her boyfriend, Allan Wang, who said, "I've never seen the US Bank open up this room before, " they put on silly hats for a free series of instant photos.

Allan may have never seen the space open up before because this was the first year the space opened for the public to go up and look over the city. For many it was a romantic evening in the sky, for others a party that was at the very top of LA with a thousand little lights being etched over the city.