Sunday, May 31, 2020

Weekends Not Going That Well: Guests This Week Include National Guard

-Newsom declares state of emergency in L.A., deploys National Guard 

So, the peaceful protests of Saturday escalated throughout Saturday to straight up rioting and looting. And let's not forget damages to businesses that in no way deserve to be set on fire or broken into.

The people straight up stealing and destroying property aren't helping, they're human garbage.

Don't forget there's now a curfew in effect and may last a few days, you can be arrested for being out an about in LA after 8pm. Be sure to check social media on updates.

State Of Emergency Declared In Los Angeles County, National Guard To Be Deployed To City Of LA

Live updates: Curfews enacted around the country amid protests 


We're also kind of amazed at some of the reports of many of the protestors general stupidity thinking that cops wouldn't fire tears gas and non-lethal rounds at them. The LAPD either doesn't care or can't differentiate between peaceful protestors and those rioting. But those stupid enough to keep doing this and walk alongside those who are hurting the community will hopefully get arrested.

And we'd like to thank every a-hole taking photos with their smart phones like anyone cares. As the LA Times and professional photographers are just better at it than you. But, keep taking them for your own sense of accomplishment. Those photos are going to prove what a million other people have taken photos of.