Tuesday, May 26, 2020

HBO Max Starts Wednesday: They Should Have A Mascot or Sunglasses Over The App, Something Cool

 By Jonathn Bilski

Just in time for many of us still staying inside is HBO Max, which is a lot of content in one place. Pulling from WB's long history and just a giant wealth of media. Surprisingly, we're getting a lot of new shows and content to draw us in. Let's just hope the UI/ menu system is easy to navigate and hopefully that the programmers divided the content into some easy to find places. He winks at camera, knowing probably not gonna be the case.

So, with all that's coming we just gotta hope.

As far now, we've got New Max Originals (not liking the use of the word original when all these shows existed before HBO Max) this June with Adventure Time: Distant Lands BMO (June 25) and the second season of Doom Patrol (June 25). And then we have to wait till July for Regular Show's adult-ier version Close Enough. Not sure if content will be weekly or all at once. We're guessing weekly.

So, from the get go, nothing that interesting to check out except Looney Tunes and a huge library of movies. Oh, and at least we get Ghibli movies, which we thought would go to Disney+ or at least GKids. Oh, Ghibli and Gkids, what bad friends.