By Andrew R. Gallardo @ARGTASTIC
IT'S BACK! (well..not really yet.. but soon.) The very beloved FLCL had a panel at Anime Expo 2016. And we are bringing you the inside scoop. Joining us back is the creator of the series Kazuya Tsurumak. Along his side was the quirky Mayumi Shintani (Haruhara Haruko). Katsuyuki Motohiro (Psycho-Pass) will be serving as a supervisor for the project. They're also bringing back the original character designer Yoshiyuki Sadamoto (Evangelion). Finally the writer Hideto Iwai (Last Dinner) will be joining this team.
First big announcement The Pillows will be back and will be making original works of music for the anime. ♪
The following are answers to the panels'
Q & A-
Question: What took so long to create season 2&3?
Answer: (by Kazuya Tsurumaki) "We believed it would be very difficult to make a sequel since the anime was all wrapped up.
Question: Where is Naoto's older brother and will he be back?
Answer: (by Kazuya Tsurumaki) "He doesn't really show up in the story...He's probably in the States.. playing Professional baseball."
Question: How did you settled on the guitar and the Vespa?
Answer: (by Kazuya Tsurumaki) "I have the very same model for vespa... and as for the bass guitar.. I can't play bass guitar ... So I just picked the coolest one."