TTDILA covered the event with one of its famous talking to the line features
Gallery Nucleus has the expansive gallery of work online, you may bid to take home a piece of original artwork between now and March 26 with a portion going to the Hurricane Haiyan disaster relief effort. (I'd like to know how much, but that's not revealed.)
After waiting hours, some who came the day before and slept in their cars or in front of Nucleus were finally let in around 2pm, last Saturday. Those attending saw the magnificent original art of Final Fantasy X/X2. Some of the original X/X2 development team was in attendance to sign fans posters, games and art books. Producer Yoshinori Kitase and Art Director Yusuke Naora signed away at two separate sessions. Yusuke Naora had a live draw session with a new piece of Yuna and Titus also going up for auction.

Outside of Nucleus, fans were in line to buy the game a few days early, before it's public release, at a merchandise booth. Special collectors editions of the games were being sold along side toys and posters.
Though the line was long and the sun blazing many waited in line for hours. Square Enix gave out free tiny bottles of water for those waiting to pick up a Titus action figure.
You couldn't pick up special edition T-shirt made for the event which was for Nucleus and Square staff only. Many fans asked how they could get a t-shirt only to learn they'd have to start working for Nucleus or Square right away.
Fans became a part of the game at a free photo booth outside. Taking a pose, they forever would be in a battle shot against one of the enemies bosses. The photo booth printed out your battle pose photo in sometimes less than a minute. They provided prop swords and a shield to defend yourself against a green backdrop.
The Final Fantasy X/X2 HD Game Launch Exhibition/Signing went on for hours as lines around Nucleus slowly made their way in and everyone got a chance to buy the game early.
Final Fantasy X/X2Exhibition Inside Look